Day 2 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California

I finished this book today…

 The Los Angeles Unified School District changed their vaccination mandate for students 12 and older from January 2022 to Fall 2022!!!  How does pushing the vaccine back NINE months help?  These kids need the vaccine now. Dr. Abdul-de Sayad from my What a Day podcast says health officials still don’t know the level of protection and immunity J&J patients have against Omicron. 

12/16/21. Thursday.

10:30-11:00 – I’m up so I go downstairs to greet the animal.  I heard her barking earlier and when I come downstairs, she’s on her hind legs at the child gate, wagging her tail.  She jumps on the couch and rolls over on her back so I can rub her tummy three times, then we go outside. She does her business and we return inside:  coffee for me, cheese for her. 

11:00-12:30 – Upstairs and I finish reading My Cesarean. I don’t mean to give this book short shrift but the title of the book is, in fact, the book, i.e., a series of essays from women who have had Cesarean sections. TMI, but I had a Cesarean section 20 years ago, when I ‘birthed’ L., and as a result of my C-section, was unable to do a sit-up for 18 years, until I started my Insanity work-out regimen last year. Now I can do sit-ups no problem.

The fact that I’m discussing sit-ups trivializes the book. Each essay is a poignant, mini-memoir about the mother’s experience. In many of the essays, the mother was “C-section shamed” and made to feel “less then.” This was never my experience as I was told, and wanted, to have a C-section from the beginning due to CPD [Cephalopelvic Disproportion], which means my pelvis was, allegedly, too small to pass L. through the canal. It appears that the CPD diagnosis has largely been debunked, but it worked for me. I had no angst whatsoever about having a C-section and that’s the difference between me and the mothers/authors of the essays in this book: almost all of them are lamenting the fact that they were forced to have a C-section. I can’t relate. Sorry.

12:30-1:10 – bullet journal

1:10-2:10 – I upload a blog post, then check the status of the tables [work benches] I ordered from Wayfair  One of the tables is enroute, but the second table appears to be missing.

2:10-3:00 – I eat some of the salad I made yesterday then wash my face. Covid 19 uniform. Light make-up.  I listen to Fresh Air and the New Yorker.

3:00-3:30 – It starts raining.  I drive to Whitney Canyon to check out a possible hiking trail, then stop by L.’s Art Studio so I can get my umbrella out of her car. I left it in her car when we went to Descanso Gardens and now I need it.  I listen to Marketplace.

3:30-4:00 – I return a library book and stop by the ATM.

4:00-4:20 – I stop by Starbucks for a peppermint hot chocolate, sit in the parking lot, and update my bullet journal.  I listen to What a Day and The Waves.

5:00-5:30 – I go to Home Depot to get a multi-pronged outlet for the new twinkling pink lights I installed on the ivy wall.

5:30-6:00 – Home and I try out the plugs – they work. I unfurl a new rug that I ordered, put it under L.’s easel, and weigh it down with books. Then, I leaf-blow the garage.  I listen to What’s Next and the Pop Culture Happy Hour.

6:00-6:30 – I make a bag of popcorn in the microwave, eat it with hummus, and listen to PBS podcasts.

7:00-7:25 – I change into workout attire and do my new 15-minute Insanity Max – 360 Abs.

7:45-8:30 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Strength workout.

9:00-1:30 – I update my expenditures for November and December, then log September, October, and November into my master spreadsheet. I have The Organized Money You Tube videos playing in the background while I log my expenditures.

-I take a short break and eat some garbanzo beans.

-I upload a blog post.

1:30-2:00 – I take the dog out, lock up everything, and turn off all the lights.

2:00-3:00 – I eat a few of L.’s chips.  Nighttime routine. Bed. 


Day 3 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California


Day 1 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California