Day 3 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California

Another bad day at the dog park…this “Bichon” would not leave my dog alone…

12/17/21. Friday 

There’s a disturbing incident involving a Xmas party that happened in Norway  on 12/8/21.  111 people went to the party.  All of them were vaccinated and all of them tested negative before going to the party.  By the end of the evening, 80 partygoers left the party with Omicron; I guess the virus was their party favor.  How is that possible? They were ALL vaxed. It’s almost as if the vaccine…DOESN’T work. 

Also, nobody seems to know how effective the one-dose J&J vaccine is against Omicron.  Globally, the majority of the world has received the 2-dose Pfizer or Moderna series so I’m assuming the Norway party goers were no different…and yet, almost all of them were infected with Omicron by the evening’s end. These were vaccinated individuals with negative tests! Why were 31 people spared? What’s their secret? If the 2-dose vaccinated were infected, what does this mean for me?  

 Quick studies done on the fly are revealing that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines provide about 30% protection from Omicron infections…HOWEVER, according to Karl Zimmer, Science Reporter for The New York Times, J&J and AstroZeneca do not stop the Omicron variant AT ALL. The saving grace is that if you’ve had TWO doses of the Pfizer vaccine, you are 70% protected from hospitalization although, unfortunately, Pfizer just released a statement that their vaccine doesn’t work on children ages 2-5. Essentially, everyone is going to get Omicron, but if you’re vaccinated, you won’t go to the hospital. What about J&J recipients, though? Allegedly, if you’re “boosted”, which means you’ve received a THIRD dose of the same shit that was injected to ward off the OG [original gangster] Covid-19, you’re even less likely to go to the hospital. Israel just started administering their FOURTH booster to their citizens…the Palestinians are still trying to get ONE jab. 

Shockingly, the CDC, TODAY, has now ADVISED against getting the J&J vaccine because it caused blood clots in 24 people back in March/April 2021. Can I just say how much I hate this agency and the misinformation they are constantly disseminating to the American public? I am SICK of the phrase, “Trust the Science.”  You mean the “science” that you are creating out of whole cloth?  Two days after I was vaccinated with the “one-and-done J&J” [April 2021], it came to light that approximately 24 people, most under the age of 50, sustained blood clots. I was terrified; HOWEVER, the “scientists” advised that the J&J vaccine was still a great option and the odds of blood clot development was miniscule.  Fauci and Friends told the American public, “Get vaccinated with whatever vaccine is available in your area. It doesn’t matter which one. Just get vaccinated!”  Remember that?   

It turns out that this was a fucking lie…AstroZenca doesn’t work and Rochelle pulled her J&J endorsement today.  Why were we told to get whatever vaccine that was available? Why weren’t we told, definitively, by the doctors/scientists/Fauci,…“Uh…if I were you, I’d hold out for Pfizer or Moderna.” J&J was fine in April 2021 when there were only 24 blood clot victims. My fellow Americans were encouraged to get the J&J jab: “What’s most important is getting vaccinated.” [insert soothing, white male voice here]. Now, in December 2021, there’s still only 24 blood clot victims and the CDC has issued an advisory against this vaccine, which means getting a J&J “booster” is out of the question. Trust the science?!  Why did J&J receive the CDC’s seal of approval 8 months ago only to have it revoked today, when nothing has changed? The same 24 people sustained blood clots. This is bullshit. 

If you live with someone who has Omicron, you are 2 to 3 more times likely to become infected than if your roommate has Delta. The experts say Omicron is doubling every day and currently, on this day, America is reporting 120,000 cases a day!  A day!?  Is this accurate? 68,000 Covid patients were also hospitalized last week. 

I say again…thank god I’m on winter break right now…and NOT in the classroom… 

9:15-9:30 – I’m awake so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She’s asleep on top of her little blanket on the couch…unfortunately, there are a few small pieces of poop on the blanket.  I clean up the mess then rub her tummy until she’s ready to go outside.  We head to the patio and I see that she pooped on the cement, next to a flower pot (sigh) – I clean that up, too.  Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs. 

9:45-10:40 – Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up. 

10:40 – 11:00 – I drive to my therapy session. 

11:00-11:30 – Therapy. We discuss my socialization project. 

11:30-12:00 – Driving. I arrive at the car wash, but I’m just going through the “Exterior Express” so I don’t have to get out of my car and risk Omicron exposure. I eat the rest of my garbanzo bean salad while I go through the car wash. 

12:00-12:30 – I drive to Sprouts. 

12:30-1:30 – The store is relatively empty.  I quickly get groceries in preparation for the Xmas dinner that I’m hosting and return home. 

1:30-2:15 – I put the groceries away. 

2:15-3:30 – I gather the dog and drive her to the dog park. There’s a couple inside with two territorial small dogs, so my dog refuses to go inside until they leave.  We go inside and I take her off leash so she can run around, until a sketchy Armenian man arrives with his Bichon and then proceeds to brag about the cost of the dog [$3000+].  His Bichon looks very similar to my dog, a Cavapoo, but my dog’s price tag was only $1000.  Don’t get me wrong…I could care less how much his dog cost and I’ve long since been resigned to the fact that I got hosed and purchased a lemon. My dog is, for lack of a better term, a disaster. I frequently tell L., “We should have bought the brown one…”  

The Armenian “spy” goes on to discuss the “Gampr” that he has at home and informs me that the “Gampr” is a must have for every Russian man and one of the most popular breeds in Russia. He didn’t bring the Gampr to the dog park today, but I should tell you this breed is huuggee, about the size of a small Shetland pony.  Eventually he leaves and I feel like maybe my purse is bugged…did you ever watch that series, The Americans? 

Another couple arrives at the dog park: He has a spirited German Sheppard while she has a Teacup Shih Tzu.  The German Sheppard goes next door to the “big dog park” while the Shih Tzu stays with us, in the small dog park.  I try to get my dog to make friends but it doesn’t work so we leave and walk around the regular park instead. These dog park outings are so stressful!  If I had a different dog, I think I would have a more positive experience…but it is not to be… 

3:30-4:00 – Driving and I’m exhausted having spent so much time with the dog. 

4:00-5:30 – I eat the rest of my salad from yesterday, read a Money Diary, and take a nap. 

5:30-6:15 – L. returns from work and we talk about her day. Then, L. leaves to spend time with her friends N. and K. 

6:15 – 7:00 - I read My Body is a Big Fat Temple. 

7:00-8:00 – I color my hair. 

8:00-8:30 – Shower to rinse out the color. 

8:30-9:45 – I braid my hair and read My Body is a Big Fat Temple 

9:45-10:30 – I’m starving so I have a few pieces of cheese and pecans while I clean the kitchen.  I also have a few spoonfuls of ice cream  for dessert. 

10:30-11:00 – For whatever reason, I’m exhausted.  Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 4 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California


Day 2 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California