Day 3-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster within 2 months

Cafe Noveau for breakfast today…

Pacific by Noru for dinner tonight…

10/23/21. Saturday

 8:00-9:00 – M. made reservations for breakfast at 10:00, at Café Nouveau, a restaurant that she says she’s been meaning to try for several years, so I’m up and in the shower before L. wakes up so as not to invade her space. Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform with tennis shoes. Light make-up. 

8:45 – L. is up and starts getting ready. My Mom gave me several books this trip so I move to the balcony and start reading Lady Parts while I wait for L. After the first couple pages, I’m hooked. 

9:30 – 10:45 - We all meet at Mom’s room, then head down to the parking lot where we take S&M’s car. Arrive before 10:00, but there is a line even for people with reservations, and nobody is manning the hostess stand. Instead, a frazzled waiter occasionally walks by and addresses the next customer in line.  Not surprisingly, under this system, we wait in line for approximately 45 minutes, even with reservations. L. and I wear our masks, but it’s hit-and-miss with everyone else. It’s amazing we’re seated at all…BUT, we eventually make it to the front of the line and are finally seated in an outdoor area, similar to an open-air patio, with tiled walls and a large mirror to the right of us.  It’s very cute and cozy…best of all, it’s outside. I already love this place. 

10:45-12:00 – I order the Breakfast Sandwich, coffee, and a Mimosa, because I’m on vacation. #daydrinking.  Everybody else gets…something???  My Breakfast Sandwich is incredible and I have leftovers. The food was well worth the wait.  Good call, M.! 

12:00-4:00- We return to the Crowne Plaza and from here we part ways with plans to meet up for dinner later tonight.  S&M are going to spend the rest of the day on the beach in their pup tent, and L., Mom, and I are going to walk around Main Street, primarily, I suspect, so L. can go shopping.  

L. drives the short distance to Main Street and we exit the vehicle and walk around. I’m surprised to see that things have changed dramatically since Covid hit Ventura. Main Street is now completely pedestrian with no cars allowed.  All restaurants have outdoor areas [love it!] and there are tons of small boutiques.  This area used to be on the seedy side, but no more. In the spirit of capitalism (and gentrification), the homeless have been cleared out so tourists (“consumers”) no longer see random bums talking or pissing on themselves. “What a difference a pandemic makes…24 little hours…” [sung to the 1959 tune of What a Difference a Day Makes, by Dinah Washington].

The obligatory outdoor light bulbs are strung from one side of the street to the other, all the way down the avenue…the epitome and age-old sign for “outdoor-indoor space – shop/dine here!” This place was going the way of Venice Beach, but somebody was able to make a course-correct before Main Street, Ventura turned into Skid Row.  Nothing wrong with a little gentrification…gotta love it! 

-We stumble across a cute, boho-chic store, called Kariella, featuring vintage clothing, except it’s NOT vintage because the clothes were made in China and Bangladesh a few months ago – this store is a direct recipient of the “fast fashion” industrial complex. Nevertheless, L. has had a Vintage “vibe” going  on for years so she looks through the racks and finds several pieces of wanna-be vintage clothing. Everything looks good on L. and now it’s just a matter of which items L. can afford; HOWEVER, Mom solves the problem and buys them all [insert smile emoji here]. Thanks Mom!  L. walks away with some excellent finds – a great shopping day for her.

I wonder what my style is?  I don’t even know…or remember. If I had to label my “vibe”, I think I’d call it “Exhaustion.” As usual, I don’t try on or buy anything. What’s the point, really… 

-After that long hour of shopping, we need refreshments so we walk across the street to The Saloon, which features a Vegan menu. I order a glass of champagne because #daydrinking and Mom orders a Pizookie, which we all share. We sit outside and listen to live “folk” music – one of the songs is a Gordon Lightfoot classic – and watch a drunk cowboy dancing and staggering around the stage. He’s got the moves, even while intoxicated, so it’s all good. 

4:00-6:00-It’s been an exhausting day of shopping and drinking so we “call it” and decide to go back to our hotel room to rest up before our dinner reservations. I love this vacay! L. drives us back to the hotel and we “retire” to our respective rooms.  I sit out on the balcony, read Lady Parts, and periodically gaze at S&M’s pup tent…looks like they had a good time today, too. 

-L. found and made reservations at Pacific by Noru for 7:00 so she starts rounding everyone up. We meet at my Mom’s room, head back to the parking lot, and return to Main Street, where M. performs an exceptional  parallel parking feat. Impressive!  

7:00-9:30 –  At Pacific, and we’re seated inside, but it’s not crazy-crowded and the staff are masked. The food is incredible! We order the House Breads and I get the Osaka Vegetable Gyoza Dumplings for my appetizer and a glass of champagne. I order the Alii Mushroom Risotto for my entrée. Everything is exceptional! [‘chef’s kiss’ emoji, here]. Time for another glass of champagne. 

9:30-11:00 – A great meal! S&M drive us back to the Crowne Plaza and we say our good-byes in the parking lot. Back to our room and I get ready for bed so I’m not in the way when L. takes her nightly shower. I have another glass of champagne and unwind while watching more Forensic Files. I’m not ready to leave this place… 

12:00 – Bed.



Day 4-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster within 2 months


Day 2-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster within 2 months