Day 4-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster within 2 months

Back to the grind….

10/24/21. Sunday 

7:30-9:00 – Up and at em’, unfortunately. When L. and I travel, I try to wake up as early as possible so I’m done in the bathroom and out of L.’s way when she finally gets out of bed. Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up. I finish packing. 

9:00-10:00 – I brought some extra credit essays along in the event I found time to grade papers and now is that time. I sit outside on the balcony, listen to the ocean, and grade papers while L. gets ready.  It’s surprisingly warm and I have to take off my jacket. 

10:00-11:00 – Continue grading papers.  L. is ready to go so we grab our suitcases and leave.  Bye Crowne Plaza!  Back to our shitty lives. We stop at Prospect Coffee on the way home. 

11:00-12:00 – Driving. 

12:00-1:00 – Home and I unpack everything, put away our leftovers, and start a load of laundry. I come downstairs to spend time with the animal and she jumps on my lap for kisses and cuddles. She missed us. 

1:00-2:00 – I heat up my calamari leftovers from La Cosecha and read Lady Parts. 

2:00-3:00 – Take the dog for a walk; then 

3:00-4:00 – I get gas and stop by Home Depot for nails. 

4:00-4:30 – Driving 

4:30-4:45 – Return home and I drag my trash cans to the curb for trash day tomorrow. 

5:00 – I’ve been commissioned as a “reader” for the Constitutional Essay Contest at College No. 1, but I sub-contracted this assignment to L., who did an excellent job last year.  She starts grading the assignments with an ETC [Estimated Time of Completion] at 11:00 p.m. 

6:00-6:45 – I do a 30 minute Insanity Max – Sweat Interval workout. 

6:45-7:30 – I read Lady Parts. 

7:30-11:00 – I go to work.  I listen to my Audio lecture for Specialty Class 1A and compare it to my Google slides and the Chapter 8 Review Quiz to ensure everything is in sequential order.  Unfortunately, L. needs to slice a few minutes off the back end of lecture AND create 4 new Google slides. All of this has to be done tonight, as I have class tomorrow afternoon, and I feel bad about putting these time constraints on L., especially when she is in the midst of grading the constitutional essays AND she has an early day tomorrow at Otis. Poor planning on my part. 

I record a PSA for the students and make a reference to current events in juxtaposition to some of the comments I made in my slightly outdated lecture. 

I introduce a new podcast into this Module but have to manually load the Podcast Quiz, question by question. Although it’s only 10 questions, each question contains 4 multiple-choice answers so it’s time consuming and a pain-in-the ass. 

I log into Canvas and “publish” this week’s course content for my Asynchronous class at College No. 2.  

11:00-11:30 – I have a meet-and-confer with L. and she splices the audio lecture, creates the 4 new Google slides, and airdrops the PSA and revised audio lecture into three Canvas shells. Then, L. returns to grading the constitutional essays. 

11:30-12:30 – You might recall that I’m being evaluated at College No. 1 this semester.  Well, the student surveys were received and tabulated by Class Climate and the results are in. Class Climate emailed me the data, so I print it out for safekeeping. 

12:30-1:30 – L. finishes grading the constitutional essays and provides a written synopsis of her commentary and her ranking [1 to 5] for each essay. L. is conscientious and would make a wonderful TA if I could only [consistently] afford her standard $30 hourly wage.  Unfortunately, I can’t so I have to do much of the grunt work for these classes myself, although I sub-contract with L. for specialized projects, like the Google slide endeavor [L. completed the project in approximately 12 months and I paid around $3000 for the slide revisions – this includes the “family discount” she occasionally gave me because I’m her Mom] and/or the current constitutional essay contest.  

L. sends me the invoice for the constitutional essays and I owe $200. I Zelle her the money and tip her $25; however, part of this transaction involves a barter-and-exchange component. L. is on the hunt for a new job and has her sights set on Anthropologie, a retail-clothing store, but her search stalled once she was asked for a cover letter to accompany her resume. I told L. that as soon as she completed the constitutional essay project, I would reciprocate with the said cover letter. That time has come. 

1:30-2:30 – I prepare the Anthropologie cover letter and email the Word document to L. in case she has revisions. 

2:30-3:30 – I turn off the Halloween decorations, take the dog out, and lock up. No kitchen duty this evening as there’s nothing to clean. Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 5-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 3-CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster within 2 months