Day 23 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months

Working on my Self-Evaluation for College No. 1 - it’s due next Friday…

11/12/21. Friday 

7:15-7:45 – My alarm goes off, but I stay in bed for the next 30 minutes because I’m exhausted. My body is so sore and stiff. 

7:45-8:00 – Downstairs and I wake up the dog and try to move her along because class starts in 45 minutes and I still have to set up the course content and the Discussion Board.  I rub her tummy and keep cueing her to go outside until she finally grabs her toy and we head for the backyard. I wait for her to go potty and return inside: cheese for her and I make a cup of coffee for me. 

8:00-8:30 – I add a video to the Discussion Board prompt and ask the students to comment. Then, I tweek the Home Page for today’s Module and adjust the assignments to encompass Friday AND Wednesday. I also readjust the deadline times for the chapter review quiz.  Today, the highschoolers have lecture along with the accompanying google slides. I publish the course content and the Discussion Board within minutes of the 8:30 deadline. 

8:30-1:00 – While the class rolls on, I take this time to review the gifts I circled on the LA TimesTop 20 Gifts for Xmas, (per B.’s request) and check the products on the websites of the respective vendors to make absolutely certain I’m interested. Note: Although I carefully vet the LA Times – Top 20 Gifts for Xmas, per B’s request, I will receive none of these items from him for Xmas. 

While class rolls on, I alternate checking the above websites with printing out nine Socratic Seminar papers from my Monday class.  It looks like this: 

1. Check website;

2. Print a paper;

3. Check website;

4. Print paper; etc. 

-L. leaves for work at 11:00. 

Three students email me to say that they couldn’t sign in on the Discussion Board.  As stated in a previous blog post, that means they’re late, and I have conversations with them about the fact that they were late to class.

-A student emails that she is ready to take two quizzes that she missed during an approved absence. I email them to her, she emails me her answers, and I post her scores to the online grade book. 

-Life Admin: 

-The Huntington asks for proof of vaccination for L. and I regarding the upcoming concert so I scan our vaccination cards to customer service;

-The library books I ordered are in;

-I email L. a link to one of the websites I found for a “plant box table” to see if she wants it for her art studio;

-I send L. the link to the only Xmas present I want…  the All Access Program by Organize 365

I take attendance for my highschoolers. One of the students did not sign in on the Discussion Board, so I send an email.  I also take attendance for my Asynchronous class. Once again, I email the students who still have a D or F in the class and inform them that they have until 11-19 to withdraw with a W.  Then, I email those students who scored low on the video quiz. There’s hardly any Ds or Fs these days, since most of the students finally got with the program or dropped. 

-A student sends a stupid email/question about our California senators, requesting clarification when he doesn’t give a s—t about the answer. This student routinely sends infrequent emails containing dumb questions about nothing so I’ll either: a) think he’s engaged in the class; or b) he’s checking to see how quickly I’ll respond. It’s a complete waste of my time and some of his questions take research that he could do himself. He never replies once I’ve “answered” his question. 

1:00-4:00 – I have one of L.’s cookies and start working on my Self-Eval for College No. 1. One section involves a compilation of all the Work Orders and Help Desk tickets I submitted to IT and our publisher over the course of 3 years. Note: Over the following weeks, I’ll insert excerpts from my Self Eval into my blog posts.

Another section involves listing the French classes I’ve taken over the past three years. Note: a happy surprise!  My French Cinema teacher gave me a B in the class when I was expecting a C.

Yet another section involves listing all the training/seminars I’ve taken over the past three years. 

-I make the executive decision to shut everything down.  This is so unhealthy.  I haven’t bathed or changed out of my pajamas or eaten a healthy meal today because I’m so busy working.  I’m supposed to be retired…clearly, I’m not. 

4:00-5:00 – Upstairs and my bed is still unmade because I was so pressed for time this morning.  I read The Paper Solution. 

5:00-6:30 – I’m exhausted so I take a nap. 

6:30-7:30 – I take a shower and lay my clothes out for tomorrow. 

7:30-9:00 – I pack a few snacks in my lunch bag then compile a dinner of potato chips, carrot sticks, zucchini, and ranch dip (don’t judge me). I take it upstairs and read The Paper Solution. 

-I do a load of laundry. 

-L. is out with her friend, A., tonight at a hip, Japanese restaurant and she texts me that she’ll be home at 10:30. 

9:00-11:30 – Bullet journal and blog posts. 

12:00-1:00 – I’m to sore to do an Insanity workout so I pull down the treadmill in my office and do a Kathy Smith speed walking workout instead. I like the treadmill workout the best, but it’s just not a hard enough workout, although it’s a nice alternative sometimes. 

1:00-1:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 6:00.



Day 24 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months


Day 22 - CDC recommends all J&J patients get a booster after 2 months