Day 25-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

I went to a Garden Tour today!!!

6/5/22, Sunday

9:00-9:30-I’m up and I can’t wait for the Windsor Square Hancock Park Historical Society Garden Tour! Due to Covid, I prefer outdoor activities and Mom and Dad frequently send me clippings of events they think I might be interested in. A couple weeks ago, Mom sent over a list of various garden tours that were featured in the LA Times so I registered for this one.

I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. She’s still asleep so I sit next to her and rub her tummy for awhile - then we go outside. The red rock looks great! Return inside and cheese for her. While my coffee warms up, I rinse the glass beads in the sink, then re-scatter them in the red rock beds outside. I report to my office.

9:30-10:00-I couldn’t find the address for today’s adventure on my Garmin so I pull it up on MapQuest and find that the garden tour I booked is in CRIMERIDDEN LA!!! I thought I was signing up for the Pasadena garden tour! I’m going to die.

10:00-11:00 - I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. I shave my legs today. Lotion. Light make-up. I wear, as L. would say, Sexy Librarian Goes on Vacation attire - a black dress to my calves, with a gray square geometric print and tied in the front; tan and black flats; my fedora; a long gold necklace.

11:00-11:45-I take out my braids.

12:00-1:00-I leave for the Garden Tour…in LA. Traffic is…light!

1:00-4:00-The Garden Tour is running from 1:00 to 5:00 with instructions to start at the “Mediterranean Villa”, located at 166 S. Plymouth, LA. The yard is gorgeous and there’s a buffet! I eat all the food I piled on my plate - brie and other assorted cheeses, various crackers, wonderful gourmet cookies, etc. I’m already a pound up so this isn’t good. Nobody is masking. The BA2 variant is on the rise - does anybody care? Then again, we’re outside…

I text my location to L. at every stop in case I’m abducted.

I’m unable to pull the pictures off the Windsor Square Historical Society site, but I’m going to include the link and a bio - from the pamphlet - for each home. I toured FIVE!!! Please click on the link! There are several pictures of the beautiful homes I saw.

1. Mediterranean Villa at 166 S. Plymouth

“There are three gardens in this lovely home built in 1919. The European-style garden shows off Buff roses surrounded by Nadium hedges. A large laurel hedge separates the front garden from a second area, often used for entertaining. Saltillo tile is used as the flooring which also includes a fountain and balustrade. Shade is provided by a large Sycamore tree. The third area features olive trees, Hydrangea bushes, mock orange trees, and Cyprus trees. Bougainvillea grows above the pool and Wisteria vines grow on the arbor above the exterior fireplace.”

2. Bridge House and Garden at 737 S. Longwood

“The home’s owner is the architect, who built his 4,500 square foot residence atop the bridge that spans the stream. THe landscape design justaposes the linear architecture of the home with a natural, meandering setting, as if the structure emerged within a garden that was always there. The owners highlighted existing trees, added new ones, and kept the plant palette loose. Trees that were added are part of the design to support existing trees, to frame views, and to provide more privacy and shade. All of the species are drought tolerant although drip irrigation was installed throughout the site. Segal Shuart are the landscape architects.

3. Panoply of Fruit, Flowers, Vegetables at 526 S. Hudson

“The gardens for this 1920’s house are inspired by wild, natural plants and succulents. Drought-tolerant perennials line the entrance and driveway like wildflowers. An edible garden is tucked away with artichokes, tomatoes, strawberries, green beans, and more. At the end of the driveway is a fruit tree garden with peaches, persimmons, plutots (combination plum and apriocot), figs, lemons, yuzu (Asian lemon), oranges, and grapefruit. Much of the garden and flowers are along 6th Street, where large agave peek above the flowering perennials and a little rambling path, under a guava tree, connects the pool and tennis court.”

4. Drought-tolerant Landscape at 134 S. Van Ness

“This front-yard garden is hidden from the street. The water-wise garden uses mostly California native plants, but also has an edible garden in one corner where the owners are growing tomatoes, eggplant, green pepper, chili peppers, bush beans, cucumbers and epazote. The plantings line a rocky dry creek bed, crossed by two bridges.”

**and my personal favorite…

5. Peaceful Retreat at 414 S. Irving

“This garden, largely conceived by Sabine Hoppner, combines traditional English and Southern California-style elements. The rear yard is ringed by high hedges of mature pittosporum and Eugenia, with three tall magnolia trees at the eastern perimeter. A pepper tree shelters a dining pergola, covered in red-orange trumpet flowers, and a small kitchen garden features recumbent rosemary and citrus trees. Vintage terra cotta pots with trailing geraniums and grasses compliment a terrace of Arizona sandstone. A free-form swimming pool and jacuzzi are trimmed in the same material.”

There was a live celloist at this location… :-)

I had such a great time!! The areas were safe…what was I so concerned about?

4:00-5:00-Driving home. Traffic is still…light.

5:00-6:00-Home and I water all of my plants. Under the new CA drought schedule, I’m only allowed to water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Bring in the mail and some packages. It’s hot today and I’m pretty winded.

6:00-7:30- I’m drained so I take a nap. It’s so hot.

7:30-8:15-I take the dog for a walk.

10:00-11:30-Blog posts.

11:30-12:00-I post an Announcement to the Home Page for my Online students reminding them that all assignments must be submitted by Friday, which is the official end of the semester. I also send an email blast. I check email at College No. 2 and respond to a few students.

-The Home Page for the last week of the semester needs to be created and posted by tomorrow, but I’m exhausted. I’ll do it in the morning.

12:30-1:30 - Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 26-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 24-BA2.12.1 is the current variant