Day 24-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

I added red rock to my flower beds tonight…

6/4/22, Saturday

6:00-I had every intention of going birding this morning but just could not get out of bed. I’m disappointed in myself. Spoiler Alert - on Monday I get my period so this might have something to do with how exhausted I’ve been this week. I go back to sleep.

6:45-L. leaves for her shift at The Club.

9:00-9:30-I’m up. I start a load of laundry, take the dog out, and heat up my coffee. Cheese for her.

9:30-10:30-I read How to Win and Influence People.

10:30-11:45-Bullet journal. I have overnight oats then approve an email that L. wants to send to Tuc thanking him for the interview.

11:45-12:00-I hang my laundry and put my “unmentionables” in the drier.

12:00-1:00-I color my hair while listening to episodes of Will be Wild. I kept putting this task off because it takes so long [3 hours].

1:00-2:30-L. returns from her front desk shift at The Club and we further discuss yesterday’s meeting with Tuc. L. bought me a coffee and we discuss a staff meeting that L. attended, involving a trash-talking fest where everyone in attendance complained about the incompetence of the Membership Dept. [there are two employees in Membership - Tuc and La]. Apparently, everyone hates Membership. L. also discussed Tuc’s strange comments re: knowing nothing about the commission schedule with her direct supervisor, “Trish” , who confirmed that Tuc is, in fact, very much aware of the schedule and a bonafide liar. Not only does Tuc earn commission, as the Director, he is also a salaried employee.

In talking to L., I leave my color on way too long but nothing bad happens

2:30-3:30- I rinse the color out, condition my hair, and take a regular shower. Lotion. I listen to This is Uncomfortable.

3:30-4:30-I braid my hair while listening to Citations Needed.

4:30-5:00-I eat my taquito leftovers and salad from last night.

5:30-7:00- I lie down. L. Leaves to spend the night at T’s. It is so hot today and I feel miserable. I listen to This American Life before taking a nap.

7:00-7:30-Up and I pick up dog poop, before going through my red rock beds and picking out the glass pebbles so I can soak them in dishwashing soap. I freshen up, put on Athletic Housewife attire, and leave for Home Depot.

7:30-8:30-At Home Depot to buy more red rock for my beds which are now filled with debris from the tree trimming. I’m in the garden section and not masking - it’s empty and no one is around. Buying the red rock takes awhile because Home Depot employees blocked off the aisle for some reason. I walk around the garden section looking for a vine replacement for my grape vine fatality, courtesy of the tree trimmers, but don’t see anything that will work. I catch up on old podcasts and listen to She Does and More Perfect while I’m walking around. Eventually, I’m allowed in the gravel section, hoist my red rock bags into the cart, and check out.

8:30-8:45-Driving home.

8:45-9:30-I take the dog for a walk. I listen to another episode of More Perfect. L. says I can have her leftover noodles from the Italian dinner she had with T. the other day so I have half of them, which turns out to be a huge mistake weight-wise [too many carbs this late at night] but I’m starving.

9:30-11:00-I complete the last of my gardening tasks and projects - this is it. I literally drag the bags of red rock from the trunk of my car to the beds in my yard and, using a spade, fill in the bare areas. Additionally, I’m going to try and grow sunflowers out of the test tubes I fastened to my “pallet project” so I fill the test tubes with fertilizer, put a sun flower seed in each one, and add water. I also re-wrap the electrical outlet behind the fountain with a gray plastic bag and a rubber band. I repot the tree in L.’s Studio and listen to Fresh Air and The New Yorker - Politics and More while I work.

11:00-11:30-I have a few apple slices with peanut butter and straighten the kitchen. Then, fill my Hydroflex and go upstairs.

11:30-12:30-I lie down for a minute before I start my workout.

12:30-1:45-I change into workout clothes and do a 45-minute Insanity-Asylum workout using my jump rope and rope ladder for the floor-ladder drills. I have to pause several times during the jump roping drills. Who would have thought that speed jumping would leave me so winded? OMG.

1:45-2:30-Nighttime routine. Bed. What an unproductive day! Kind of embarrassing, BUT, my backyard and L.’s Studio is complete. No more projects in these areas for awhile and I feel really good about it.


Day 25-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 23-BA2.12.1 is the current variant