Day 26-BA5 takes the lead

I went on a bike ride today…

Lunch at The Junction today…

7/17/22. Sunday

5:00-8:00-I sleep from 5:00-8:00 am, and finally get up with the dog. We go downstairs and I unload and load the dishwasher, then take the dog out so she can go potty. Return inside and cheese for her; coffee for me. I go upstairs.

8:30-9:30-I weigh 96.5 pounds today. Shower. Lotion. I put on my biking uniform and put my hair in a ponytail.

9:30-10:00-I ‘windex’ my mirrors, wipe down my counter and toilet, and spray bleach on my shower tiles.

10:15-11:30-I pack a bike bag, then bike to the top/end of McBean, to Copper Hill, while listening to Organize 365 [only ONE air pod, though - safety first]. I take a couple of breaks along the way and eat a Lara cashew bar.

11:30-12:45-I bike back to the house, eat a pear, and listen to an episode of What Next, about caste systems.

-bullet journal.

12:45-1:30-I freshen up and B. picks me up for lunch. Garden Society Member attire: I wear a spaghetti strap, full knee-length skirt (like a tutu), in a black-and-white cow pattern, with a green sash. This dress was such a find!! at Runway, where slightly used clothes are sold. I accessorize with green jewelry.

1:30-2:00-B. and I drive to The Junction. The hostess compliments my dress and accessories!

2:00-3:30-The food is amazing!: I have the blackened fish tacos and two glasses of champagne. B. and I get separate checks - I was planning to go alone anyway and had a reservation for one, when B. said he’d like to go, too.

3:30-4:00-B. suggests that we go to his house so I can see his new TV. We drive to his house.

4:00-6:30-His TV is nice! We hang out and watch This is Going to Hurt.

6:30-7:00-By 6:30, I’m feeling pretty exhausted. Is it BA5? My headaches have stopped, but, every night, around 9:00 pm, I’m routinely seized by crippling fatigue. I don’t know if this is Covid or jet lag or the heat or what?

B. drives me home.

7:00-8:30-B. parks outside my house, but before I can exit the vehicle, he picks a fight and yells at me for having the audacity to go on a 2-week, all-expenses paid, vacation to Greece and Italy instead of spending 7/3-7/5, with him in the homeless “Gaslamp” district, in San Diego.

He is angry about this in spite of the fact that he routinely takes solo trips, traveling to Ireland, Arizona, Illinois, and New Orleans without me. Even though the windows are down, his car is sweltering, and there’s no A/C because the car isn’t running. I didn’t feel well when we left his house and I’m feeling even worse. I don’t think this is jet lag... While he is in mid-yell, I calmly get out of the car, quietly shut the door, hit my garage door opener, and go inside.

8:30-10:00 - I have to lie down or I might pass out. Unfortunately, I have a ton of class prep. I text L., wherever she is, and ask if she can stop by Starbucks for an iced coffee. L. texts that she is with friends, at Pinkberry, in Burbank, but will stop by Starbucks on her way back.

10:45-11:45-L surfaces, hands me the iced coffee, and enters her room so she can place her nightly phone call with Colin Two-Hatchet from the cruise. L. talks to him for hours almost every night.

12:00-2:30-I drag my body downstairs to my office and calculate the Discussion Board scores for my online Core Class at College No. 2. This involves writing down every student’s name then making a tick mark for each entry. This is a 15-point assignment. I listen to Southern Fried Crime and Crime Junkie.

-I get my second wind totaling the Discussion Board scores and move onto more class prep. I send a personalized email to every student who received a D or an F on the Video Quiz, warning them that they are not “actively participating’ in this online class. who failed to complete their assignments entirely also receive an email from me informing them that their score is 0. This takes some time as I have 42 students in this class and I send a personalized email to every student.

-I answer a few student emails and update the grade book.

-I take Attendance

-I move to my second online Core Class and compile the Discussion Board scores.

-I take Attendance and update the grade book.

-I’m getting tired so I decide to send personalized emails, to those students in my second class, tomorrow.

2:30-3:30- Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 27-BA5 takes the lead


Day 25-BA5 takes the lead