Day 27-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

I saw The Watcher tonight…

6/7/22, Tuesday

5:00-5:15-I’m awake. Not sure if my highschoolers will even be in class today but one of my students asked if I was going to be on Campus and I emailed that I would, just in case anyone wants to say goodbye or has questions concerning their grades. Kind of regretting it now...

5:15-5:30-I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal, but she is out of it. I start warming up my coffee and she staggers over for kisses and cuddles. Outside we go and I survey my yard. The dog does her business and returns inside. Cheese for her. I take my coffee and a bag of ice upstairs.

5:30-6:20-Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. Sexy Librarian attire. I grab my lunch bag and go. Upright and caffeinated!

6:20-7:40-Driving and I listen to Best of Both Worlds and This is Uncomfortable and put my make-up on in the car.

7:40-8:00-Arrive close to 8:00 and thank God there’s a parking space. I walk to Mr. Gonzales’ room. None of my students are there because this is the last day of school and I find out that they’re on an alternative, half-day schedule. I say my goodbyes to Mr. Gonzalez - this is the first time I’ve seen him without a mask. I keep my mask on and ask him to tell my students, if they ask, that I stopped by.

8:00-9:30-Today was my official last day at this high school. I walk to my car and drive away. Traffic is absolutely horrible because I’m leaving two hours earlier than I normally do. I eat the rest of my Brekkie Burrito from yesterday and continue listening to This is Uncomfortable.

9:30-10:30-I go to Food 4 Less for a few items, then pull out money from the ATM for gas and therapy. Almost nobody is masking in Food 4 Less…I don’t either.

10:30-11:00-I drop off my plastics (+$3.75)

11:30-1:00-Home and I put all the food away then open up the neon sign [“The Studio”] that I ordered for L.’s Art Studio and that just arrived. I plug it in to see if it works. It doesn’t work - it just blinks continuously.

1:00-1:30-I leave for Runway Fashion to see if they will take some of my “slightly used” clothes for store credit, but, when I arrive, the employee tells me the shop is full and they are no longer taking clothes.

1:30-2:15-I go to Sprouts for a few items.

1:30-2:00-I stop by a literal neighborhood florist - the shop is in her garage - and recycle a vase from one of L’s flower arrangements.


2:30-3:30- Home and I water my plants.

3:30-5:00-I change my clothes and take a nap.

5:00-5:30-I get dressed and freshen my make-up; then

6:30-7:00- leave for an Indie film at The Laemmle Theater in Newhall.

7:00-9:00-I watch a super scary Indie film called The Watcher and mask the entire time. It is so good and now I’m terrified. I keep looking behind me as I cross the street to my car.

9:00-9:30-Drive home

9:30-12:00-I make a somewhat healthy version of hamburger helper. I brown ground turkey while the elbow pasta is boiling. Then, I chop an onion and green pepper and sauté. I mix everything together in a Dutch oven and add chili powder and salt. I graze TOO MUCH while I’m cooking this dish and will pay for it tomorrow.

-I make a huge bowl of salad: spinach, tomatoes, cut up pieces of cheese, boiled eggs, and cucumbers.

-It looks like a bomb went off in here. Kitchen duty. I do the dishes, clean the counters, and put the food away.

12:00-12:30-I chop up celery and add almond butter to several of the stalks, slice an apple, and ready my coffee for tomorrow.

12:30-1:30-I pack my bike bag and set out my clothes for tomorrow. Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 28-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 26-BA2.12.1 is the current variant