Day 28-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Bike ride today on South Fork River Trail…

6/8/22, Wednesday

6:30-6:45-My alarm goes off and I’m awake, but I lie in bed for transition time.

6:45-7:00-I go downstairs to greet the animal. I sit next to her and rub her tummy, then we go outside. I note that she pooped in two places on the patio - gross. She does her business and we return inside. Cheese for her; coffee for me. I unload the dishwasher and go upstairs.

7:00–8:00-I weigh 98 pounds - this is the most I’ve weighed in sometime. Shower - I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. Light make-up. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on Athletic Housewife attire: grey leggings, black T-Back bra, and grey T-back tank top.

8:00-10:30-B. arrives and we take a 2 1/2-hour bike ride starting with the South Fork River Trail. It takes us all the way to Newhall and back. Weather is cool enough for most of the ride, but starts warming up at the end.

10:30-1:30-B and I go to Starbucks.

1:30-3:30-Patio coffee at my house while we talk politics. Return inside and I serve the salad and quasi-hamburger helper I made last night. I give B. the last of my lemon chocolate-covered almonds.

3:30-9:00-I introduce B. to Squid Games and we watch several episodes. B. leaves.


1:30-2:00-I do a 15-min Insanity Ab-workout.

2:00-3:00-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 29-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 27-BA2.12.1 is the current variant