Day 29-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

I had my face lift consultation today…

Rochelle, Director of the CDC, reminded us last week that Monkey pox broke out in May 2022. At present, we’re at 16,500 cases (no deaths).

Why the hell is anybody still talking about Monkey Pox?

9/1/22. Thursday

8:00-8:15-The dog starts licking my hands so we go downstairs and outside so she can go potty. Cheese for her. I bring my coffee upstairs, along with a bag of ice for my eyes, and lie down again.

9:30-10:30-I force myself out of bed, water my plants, and soak the beds. Then, I wash my face, brush my teeth, and quickly change into Athletic Housewife attire.

10:30-12:00-I drive to my plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Sanders. I’m early so I park in a residential area and put my make-up on in the car.

12:00-1:30-I meet with “Suzy” and Dr. Sanders and share the things I don’t like about my face which is incredibly embarrassing. Suzy takes a close-up photo and I look old and terrible. After I point out my problem areas, Dr. Sanders suggests a cheek lift (my skin is sagging at the jaw bone); sucking the fat out from underneath my eyes (I have bags), and then lasering under my eyes (to eliminate my perpetual dark circles). Dr. Sanders guarantees an 85% improvement in my undereye area.

I agree with everything he says because, well, I’ve had “enhancements” with him before and he is a magician. All the same, after putting $1000 dollars down, I leave feeling depressed. I don’t want to go under anesthesia; with a catheter inserted; with an esophageal tube inserted; with weird contacts inserted to protect my eyes from the laser; not to mention the actual cheek lift; and the two full weeks of painful recovery. Not to mention, the money.

I don’t want to experience any of these things, but I’m NOT aging gracefully so what am I supposed to do? For most of us, if we put the time into fixing our bodies we can make significant changes…but our faces? There’s nothing we can do about that - we’re forced to rely on genetics. Some people have wonderful supporting bone structure. Like the foundation of an exceptional house, these individuals have “good bones” that will carry them through middle age and, eventually, old age. I don’t have that “scaffolding” (jowls run in our family) and every few years, my face has to be built up again. There’s no other way to improve it other than surgery, which I can’t stand. But, the worst thing about surgery is “going under” and the loss of control it entails. I can’t stand “general anesthesia” and in the months leading up to any surgery that I endure, I’m anxious, believing that I’m either going to die or come out brain dead.

I can’t believe I have to do “this” again. Like I said, I’m depressed.

-My “plastic surgery” is scheduled for 12/13/22. I’m getting a cheeklift ($12,950), undereye blephoplasty ($6475), and Dr. Sanders throws in the laser for free. Because I’m a “recurring” patient, Dr. Sanders gives me an automatic 15% discount…and, this is very unlike me, I don’t even bother negotiating, he’s that good. I just hand over my credit card.

Spoiler Alert: Thoughts of my upcoming surgery will consume me for the next four months because I’m certain I will die on the table. As a result, I’m easily distracted and have problems focusing on everything.

1:30-2:30-I drive home, dejected. I listen to Organize 365 and eat my ground turkey salad in the car.

2:30-4:30-Home and I take a nap before my F2F class tonight.

4:30-5:00-I freshen up and change into Garden Society Member attire. Then, I load all my bags in the car and leave.

I drive to College No. 1.

5:00-6:30-Traffic. is. terrible. This is grid-lock, rush-hour traffic, with everyone headed from LA to their homes in the Antelope Valley. I listen to the Political Gabfest.

7:00-10:00-Tonight is a 2-hour Lecture with a 30-minute podcast thrown in. I run out of time for the 25-minute video that I also had planned for this Module and assign it for homework instead. A THREE-hour F2F class is way too long after coming off of two years of “Distance Education” (online classes), and/or a 90-minute highschool class. This F2F class is such a waste and several students have already dropped; only a handful of students bothered to come to class tonight.

**Spoiler Alert: By the end of the semester, I will have just 14 students enrolled in the class (two of those students will have had a solid F the entire time, but will insist on remaining enrolled so they can continue collecting financial aid. They don’t realize that their aid will be cut off next semester on account of receiving an F on their transcript. I will email them repeatedly and tell them to withdraw with a “W” during the “window” period, but this suggestion will fall on deaf ears).

I have ONE nice student in this F2F. After lecture, he asks me clarifying questions which is great because at least ONE person is paying attention; the rest are asleep or on their phones. After he leaves, I send an email blast to everyone instructing the students to watch the video listed in the Syllabus for homework because we ran out of time in class tonight. I walk to my car.

10:00-11:00-Driving home and I’m tired. I listen to Be Wealthy and Smart and By the Book, while eating one of my pre-made salads and a Lara Bar en route.

11:00-1:00-Home and it’s crunch time because I have to put everything away and get ready for bed immediately. Tomorow, my day starts at 5:00 am. I bring in all of my bags, then repack my insulated lunch bag with breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. I straighten the kitchen, ready my coffee, and go upstairs. Nighttime routine while listening to Dateline. I pick an outfit for tomorrow and set my alarm for 5:15. Bed.


Day 30-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 28-Monkey pox is the new pandemic