Day 30-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

Day 2 at the Catholic High School…I hate it here…

Last week, Pfizer asked the FDA to authorize its latest COVID vaccine. This is the vaccine that finally targets Omicron, or at least the newest Omicron subvariant. For the first time, in over two years, Big Pharma is actually going to adjust the vaccine instead of constantly imploring us to get “the booster” of the same, janky shit used to combat Covid 19.

The shareholders must be complaining. There’s a dip in Pfizer’s dividends because the country is moving on and no longer rushing to get the “booster du jour.” The public finally got wise to the fact that “the boosters” are merely re-packaged, original Covid 19 vaccine from 2020… so they stopped getting “the jab.”

It’s as if this realization occurred to my fellow Americans simultaneously and everyone had the same thought: “Uh…why are Pfizer and Moderna still injecting us with the Covid 19 vaccine when we’ve been in the throes of Omicron for the past 18 months?” Big Pharma didn’t realize their fear mongering would stop working this abruptly so they had to act fast to maintain their profit margin. They’re now peddling a “new and improved booster”, specifically targeted to attack the Omicron variant.

The problem? It’s only been tested on mice.

With Q4 on the horizon [Business Quarter 4], Pfizer had to devise a plan to ensure they’re in the black by year end 2022, so they injected a bunch of mice with their “new” sketchy shit and called it a day.

Moderna got in on this action as well…

On 8/31/22, the FDA, who has been in bed with Big Pharma since time immemorial, authorized “two updated Covid-19 boosters” despite the fact that no human trials were ever performed: “FDA officials said they want to head off another winter surge and cut down on repeated shots.”

Uh…what winter surge?

9/2/22. Friday

5:15-5:30-I slept terribly and I don’t want to get up when my alarm goes off. The dog starts licking my face so I’m forced to get out of bed and take her outside. Downstairs and she goes potty, while I can barely stand upright. Cheese for her and I grab my coffee and a bag full of plastic ice cubes. Return upstairs, where I lie down, ice my eyes, and sip my coffee.

5:45-6:30-Shower. More ice for my eyes and I listen to What a Day. Lotion and I change into a Garden Society Member outfit. I load my bags in the car and I’m on the road by 6:30.

6:30-7:45-Traffic is not that bad today…so long as I’m in the carpool lane. I move into it as soon as I hit the 405.

7:45-8:30-I’m early. This time, I park in the Staff parking lot, because I now know where it’s located, directly behind the Convent next door. I finish putting on my makeup and listen to Organize 365.

8:30-10:05-I’m in class the full 90 minutes and I feel like I’m going to faint throughout most of it. My God, it’s hot in here. And humid. I brought a small aluminum bottle of water from home so I can mist my face, neck, and pulse points. Once again, the two ceiling fans are spinning, but doing nothing…we absolutely HAVE to keep both classroom doors open for cross ventilation even though there is no breeze, whatsoever, coming in. The students are too loud, not engaged, and they still do NOT have access to Canvas. It. is. miserable. How am I supposed to teach in these conditions? “As God is my witness”, I will never teach at this school again. I can’t wait until the semester is over - unfortunately, it just started.

Class ends and I slowly stagger back to the parking lot.

10:05-11:30-Traffic. is. terrible. I never drive in the carpool lane on the way home - why tempt fate? I listen to By the Book.

11:30-12:00-Finally home. I bring in all my bags and unpack everything.

12:20-12:45-I talk to B. We decide to go to Woodranch BBQ for Happy Hour at 4:30.

1:00-3:30-I change my clothes and go straight to bed.

3:45-4:15-Up and I get dressed and freshen my make-up.

4:14-6:00-B arrives and we go to Woodranch. I get the BBQ chicken potato skins and two glasses of champagne; B gets the ribs. My potato skins are delish!

6:00-9:30 - B and I return to my house and talk politics.

9;30-11:00-B. leaves and I take yet another nap because I’m exhausted. Long Covid?

11:00-12:00-I absolutely have to get a workout in but I’m so exhausted. Is my exhaustion due to the heat? I'm not sure. I do a 10-min Insanity Ab workout and something I thought I’d try as a substitute, but have never done before: a 15-minute accelerated Insanity workout. This will have to do.

12:30-1:15-I log onto College No. 2 and check email, then re-arrange the Modules for my “Einstein” online high school class.

1:15-1:25-I check headlines, then pull the MapQuest directions for Lotus Land!!!

1:25-2:00-Kitchen duty and I pack my insulated lunch bag for tomorrow

2:00-3:00-Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 6:00.


Day 31 - Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 29-Monkey pox is the new pandemic