Day 3-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise

Poolside today…it’s too hot to be in the house.

Every new sub-variant adds to our “immunity library”, per Dr. Kimberly Shriner, Infectious Disease and Internal Medicine at Huntington Hospital. Subsequent variants, even if they evade the vaccine, will still give you some protection (immunity) from future sub-variants because they help your B and T cells identify and stave off Covid infections.

Shit hits the fan if/when there’s a major shift in the virus [see Flu of 1918], causing it to mutate and develop new and different characteristics from previous variants that have come and gone. When this happens, B and T cells can’t identify Covid and don’t produce the requisite antibodies needed for the attack. But, not to worry because, so far, each variant has been similar to the last, which means B and T cells are still able to recognize “the Covid” and fight the good fight.

But, we’re still not out of the woods. Even when B and T are going to battle with C (and winning) a new study found that nearly 1 in 5 adults have had “lingering symptoms” after being infected. Sounds like Long Covid to me. Also, I think it’s only a matter of time before the Covid we know becomes the Covid we don’t. When that happens, God help us…

BTW, Monkey Pox cases are increasing in the US.

Who cares?

6/24/22. Friday

10:00-10:15-I’m up and it’s already hot. Downstairs to greet the animal and I take her outside to go potty. I survey my yard, the dog does her business, and we return inside. I had originally planned to go to the beach today but the weather website reports that Ventura is cloudy and in the 60s. Pass.

10:15-11:15-Blog posts

11:15-11:45-I resume listening to last summer’s Audio Syllabus and note more sections where L. will have to splice the recording. I eat my leftover tortellini for breakfast.

11:45-12:15-I check email and there is an urgent request from College No. 2 asking me to teach a SECOND, accelerated, 6-week, online Summer course. I agree, then talk to L. about how overwhelmed I am.

L. leaves for The Club.

12:15-2:00-I start packing, doing laundry, and compiling lists of items I need to take on my vacation.

3:00-4:00- L. asks me to stop by The Club and deliver chips to her. I finish packing my beach bag for the community pool, put on my bathing suit and a cover, then drive to The Club with L.’s chips in hand.

4:00-4:15-Return home and I grab my beach bag, lunch bag, and pool fob.

4:30-6:00-Poolside and I have the turkey meatballs I made previously and a pear. I try calling First American and after being on hold for 30 minutes the phone disconnects.

4:45-5:45 - I try again, still poolside. I select the requisite number (#2), per the prompt, and wait for someone to pick up for the next hour. Nobody does. I give up.

Bullet journals.

6:00-6:30-I refill the dog food dispenser, then bring the child gate that we have at the foot of the stairs to keep the dog out, to the patio so I can spray it down and wash it with dishwashing soap. It’s so hot that it’s difficult to think straight. Once done with the child gate, I saturate the ground where I want to plant my fig ivy vines.

L. returns from work with flowers for T. after telling him that he is NOT invited to join her this evening when she goes out with her friends, J. and N. T. assumed that he was going until L. told him this outing did not include him. L. said that T. seemed disappointed. L. thought she hurt his feelings, so she bought him flowers.

6:30-7:00-I brush away a few spider webs from the outside of the house with a broom, fix the topiaries by the front door, sweep the stoop, and switch out the Welcome mats.

7:00-7:30-L. returns and makes the edit on the Audio Syllabus, then leaves for Solitas with her previous co-worker, C.

7:30-8:30-I change into workout clothes and then try digging the hole in my backyard to see how difficult it will be to plant the fig ivy. I make some progress, but have to stop because I need to get a workout in. I saturate the ground with water (again) and go inside.

8:30-8:45-I do a 15-minute, Insanity Max-Ab workout.

9:00-9:45-I do a 30-min, Insanity Max - Sweat workout. It is 90 degrees in the house right now.

L. returns from her dinner with C., then leaves for Salt and Straw with N. (my surrogate son) and J.

9:45-10:30-I take the dog for a walk.

10:39-11:15-I have cheese from L.’s leftover cheeseboard, then sit in the garage (it’s cooler in there) and eat my yogurt-apple-walnut mixture.

Kitchen duty and I ready my coffee for tomorrow.

11:15-12:30-I color my hair. L. surfaces and we talk about her day.

12:30-1:00-I take a shower and rinse the color out.

1:00-3:00-I braid my hair and, in between, slather on lotion and continue packing and compiling lists. I listen to Happier.

3:00-3:45-Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 4-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise


Day 2-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise