Day 2-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise

Striders group tonight…todays walk was at the Bridgeport Paseo…

6/23/22. Thursday

8:00-8:30-Our Italy/Greece trip is rapidly approaching!! and I’m trying to tie up some loose ends before we leave. The dog groomer who makes house calls is here; L. is on point for this task.

8:30-9:30-Dewey Pest Control arrives a short time later. I sign the contract and he sprays the exterior.

10:00-11:00-I write a letter to First American detailing all of the problems I’ve had with A/C Clinic AND asking for authorization to fix the condenser because I know “NIck” is NOT going to follow up with this task. If left to his own devices, he will do nothing. Here is the letter:

“Service Request #311817409



On 6/8/22, my air conditioner stopped blowing cold air.

On 6/9/22, I filed a Service Request with First American and my claim was assigned to A/C Clinic.

This company didn’t call me to schedule an appointment for three days (6/12/22), even though I called them, left messages, and sent an email. “Raul” from First American also called A/C Clinic. You should know that this company never answers the phone – messages go straight to their voice mail system so it’s impossible to speak with an A/C employee. I believe that the A/C repairman owns and operates the company. In other words, it is a company of ONE. When I asked him why nobody ever answers the phone, he said he can’t afford to hire a secretary.

On 6/12/22, the A/C repairman scheduled an appointment with me for 6/14/22. By this time, my family had not had air conditioning for six days.

On 6/14/22, the A/C repairman arrived.  This is the same employee who called to schedule the appointment. He checked the unit and said it was out of Freon.   BUT, he didn’t investigate WHY it was out of Freon!  Clearly there was a leak in the unit, but he disagreed with me. He added Freon, then told me my condenser was filthy and advised that I spray it with a garden hose. Although I believe he added Freon, I have no way of knowing what he did because I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED AN INVOICE FROM THIS COMPANY! I literally do NOT know what this man is doing to my unit.

The unit worked for three days, until it ran out of Freon BECAUSE THERE’S A LEAK IN THE UNIT!

On 6/18/22, I called, left a message, and emailed A/C Clinic, but I didn’t receive a response. I then called First American and reported that my air conditioning unit still wasn’t working. I spoke with “Romel.”

On 6/20/22, the same employee from A/C Clinic called me and scheduled an appointment for 6/22/22.

On 6/22/22, the same employee from A/C Clinic arrived at my house, at 8:45 AM, checked the unit, and said the “condenser was broken.”

The repairman said he cannot fix the unit until he receives authorization from First American. He said he would call First American and ask for authorization, but I doubt he did anything. So this letter is a request for authorization for A/C Clinic to fix the condenser.

Today is 6/23/22, and I have not had air conditioning for most of June, which is one of the hottest months of the year.

I’m sure that whoever is reading this is thinking, “Boo hoo.  You haven’t had air conditioning for several weeks. Get over it. Stop whining”, but please take a moment and think about it for a minute. My child lives with me.  We have pets. The past two days, the temperature in our bedrooms was 95 degrees; it was 90 degrees in the rest of the house. If this was happening to YOU, it would be intolerable.

Please help us.

Ellen Coleman”

1:00-2:15-I start working on the Canvas shell for my accelerated 6-week class at College No. 2.

2:15-3:00-Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. I change into Athletic Housewife attire and leave for my mouth guard appointment.

3:00-3:30-A dental hygienist uses a special camera to take a series of pictures of my entire mouth. The pictures and the specs are then forwarded to the lab so they can create my mouth guard. Technology!

3:30-5:30-I drive to Runway [gently used clothing] and peruse the store, looking for a few items for my upcoming vacation. I end up buying a dress and three shirts. I have a store credit so everything only costs $15.

5:30-6:15-Home and I change into shorts and one of the shirts I purchased and drive to my Striders group.

6:30-7:30-We start at the Bridgeport subdivision and take the back paseo through the beautiful neighborhood. I speed-walk alone. By the end of the walk, I’m winded. It’s hot!

7:30-8:15-I drive to Presto Pasta and call in a cheese tortellini dinner and a salad from the parking lot. I use my $5 gift card that’s about to expire; the meal is $10.

8:15-9:00-The AC is still broken. I have dinner on my patio.

9:00-10:45-It’s so hot. I’m exhausted so I go into my office [the coolest room in the house], turn on my ceiling fan, and lie down on my couch.

10:45-11:00- L. surfaces and says T. will be here in 10 minutes to go over the Watering Schedule. I’m extremely pissed as this was never discussed with me and I was going to get ready for bed shortly. A 10-minute notice is unacceptable. L. said T. came over previously, at 8:00, but nobody was here. Of course nobody was here! Because I wasn’t told that T. was coming over at 8:00. I would have been here had I known.

11:00-12:15-T. arrives and I go over the doggy day care, a few house maintenance items, and the Watering Schedule.

12:15-4:30-I spend the next four hours putting the finishing touches on the Syllabus and adjusting the dates and headings for the assignments in Canvas. I have a previous AUDIO Syllabus I recorded that might work for this class, so I listen to it on high speed. The dates are off because it was from last semester, but I think L. can splice that section. The class goes live on 7/5/22.

4:30-5:30-Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 3-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise


Day 1-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise