Day 30-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

My air conditioner broke yesterday…

6/10/22, Friday

8:00-9:30-I’m up and I move straight to my chair and update my bullet journal.

9:30-11:00-I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She’s awake and waiting for me so we go outside, straight away. I survey the yard and my plants look dry. The dog goes potty and we return inside. Cheese for her, coffee for me. I go upstairs.

-I sit in the shower, ice my eyes, and drink my coffee, while listening to The Daily. Lotion. Light make-up and I dress in Athletic Housewife attire. I leave for my therapy session.

11:00-11:30-Session. It’s always nice to talk to my therapist. When i tell her my AC broke, she replies, “Oh my god! In this heat?” Yes…in this heat.

11:30-12:00-I drive to Goodwill to drop off bags of clothes but it’s closed.

My air conditioning claim was assigned to A/C Clinic, but they never called me, even though they’re supposed to contact the client within 24 hours. By now, I’ve called A/C Clinic several times, but nobody ever answers the phone. I finally leave a message from my car.

1:00-2:00-Home and I water my plants.

2:00-3:00-My office has always been, historically, the coolest place in the house so this is where I’m spending all of my time. I have a ceiling fan in my study but how good can it be in 98-degree heat? It’s just moving hot air around. I still haven’t heard from A/C Clinic, so I call First American and try to handle the issue through them. I’m on hold for 40 minutes! Finally, I reach “Raul” and explain that AC Clinic still hasn’t called me. Raul uses the top secret phone number that only First American employees have for their vendors and reaches “Nick”, the alleged owner of A/C Clinic. He lies and tells Raul that he called everyone who phoned in work orders yesterday. Nick promises Raul that he will call me. In the interim, Raul says he will send an email to A/C Clinic memorializing this conversation and I inform Raul that I will also send a follow up email, which I do.

-I ask L. to do a food run and buy treats because I’m hot, miserable, and depressed. L. goes to Eat Real Cafe, Lady Dis, and Pressed Juicery and I pay for everything. I order the almond butter toast with strawberries and honey from Eat Real and it’s very good. L. also returns with cookies and Greens II vegetable juices, which I like.

-It is crazy hot in here. I might die…

3:00-4:00-I check email at College No. 2. My Dept. asked if I will teach an online summer class. I tell them yes.

4:00-5:00-I review my ongoing Film List, to which I’m perpetually adding movies that I hope to watch some day. I’m trying to find something that will distract me from the unbearable heat in this house and settle on the Tinder Swindler.

-The remote arrived from the neon sign vendor. What do you think, dear reader? Did a new remote fix the problem? I’m going to pause for dramatic effect… No! It did not! I email the neon sign vendor and again ask for a refund, but he’s not done yet. He asks me to make a video of the malfunctioning sign. As you know, I’m not tech savvy, so L. has to record me turning on the sign and watching it blink like a pink strobe light. She emails the video to me and I forward it along to the Chinese vendor.

8:00-10:00-Blog posts. I watch the Tinder Swindler in between. I like this documentary.

9:00-11:00-I check in on my students to make sure they are taking the Final - today is the last day of the semester.

I work on some blog posts.

11:00-2:00-I can’t sleep because it’s too hot. More blog posts.

2:00-2:30-I give up and go upstairs, where I open three of my windows. Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 31-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 29-BA2.12.1 is the current variant