Day 29-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Sick today…

Moderna is hard at work on an Omicron vaccine. Trials show that the new Omicron vaccine produced a stronger immune response against Omicron than their original, janky, 2-year-old, Covid-19 version. Noooo shiiiittttt. Now all we have to do is wait for FDA approval. Approval should occur in about…five years.

The American people were told by Big Pharma that these MRNA vaccines were “plug-and-play”, meaning that it’s a relatively simple, fast [around 100 days] process to add, or “plug" in”, a sliver of new variant into the existing vaccine whenever a new adaptation is coming down the pike. The citizenry is now wondering aloud, “Why is it taking so long to develop and test an Omicron vaccine?”

The answer is it’s not. Think about it…why would Big Pharma take the time and expense to create a new vaccine when they can keep peddling their outdated Covid-19 crap to the general public? The shelf life for the Covid-19 variant has…expired. And yet, the “booster”, which is just a lesser amount of the original Covid-19 jab, continues to be endorsed by Fauci, Rochelle, and other public health assholes. My fellow Americans…hold out for the Omicron vaccine [copyright: Moderna]. The Covid-19 vaccine is dead.

This just in…the New York Times reports that racial demographics have flipped! Now whites are more likely to get Covid than Blacks! So what? Covid doesn’t kill people like it did originally…I don’t mean to be flippant, but if a white person contracts Covid now, it’s a 5-day vacation from work. As opposed to when Blacks contracted Covid in 2020…they DIED.

To be fair, the article paints a much more dire picture than I just did. Whites have a 14% higher mortality rate than Blacks and a 72% higher mortality rate than Latinix. By whites I mean MAGAs, Trumpers, and Republicans. You gotta vaccinate, douchebags. For all the problems with the vaccine, science shows that at least you won’t die if you get ‘the jab.’ What about the boosters, you ask? The jury’s still out.

6/9/22, Thursday

9:00-9:30-I’m awake and feeling very sick. The air conditioner broke and it’s extremely hot in the house. I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog and we go outside. I lean on one of my patio chairs because I’m too exhausted to stand up without support. Is this a Long Covid flare-up? Did I contract Omicron? The dog finishes going potty and we return inside. Coffee for me, cheese for her. I go upstairs. I try to weigh myself but the batteries in my scale are dead. great.

9:30-11:00- I update my bullet journal, but I’m having difficulty focusing. It takes 90 minutes just to log one day. I’m so exhausted.

11:00-12:00-I sit in my chair and listen to The Productive Woman and Organize 365.

12:00-1:30-Kitchen duty and I clean out the refrigerator and do the dishes. I fry a pack of bacon for grab and go snacks and have a few slices. While I’m cooking, the screw comes out of the handle of the lid and falls into the bacon, while at the same time the lid separates from the handle and falls apart. Everything falls into the pan so I give the last four pieces to the dog. I have two tiny squares of Mom’s banana bread, five small spoonfulls of ice cream, and two bites of an unripe pear so I give up on the pear. I listen to Marketplace and Marketplace Morning.

-I add diced apple, walnuts, and honey to L.’s extra Chobani yogurt for a breakfast snack; then

-I have explosive diarrhea!

1:30-2:30-I drink the last of L’s cucumber infused water and sit upstairs in my chair still listening to podcasts. I listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour and The Waves and return to the toilet. More diarrhea.

2:30-3:30- I take a shower and wash and condition my hair. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes, while listening to Today Explained and What Next. I have to leave the shower suddenly - more diarrhea. Finally, I apply lotion and put on a T-shirt because it’s too hot to wear anything else. The dog is miserable, too.

3:30-4:45-I braid my hair and listen to Fresh Air and New Yorker-Politics and More.

4:45-5:30-Back to the kitchen. I tidy up and open a can of peas and a can of corn, then add both to the hamburger helper dish I made two days ago. I eat it as I straighten the kitchen. I’ve been trying to kill a fly all day, to no avail. I have a few mini-marshmallows and walnuts.

5:30-6:30-L. returns from Vegas and we talk about her trip.

6:30-7:00-I call B. and ask if he’s available to attend L.’s Palos Verdes art exhibit on Saturday. He says he can go.

7:00-11:00-Life Admin.

-I clean out my personal email and catalog the South Dakota pictures into my desk top folder.

-I contact the neon sign vendor [he’s in China (sigh)] and tell him the sign doesn’t work. He emails that he will send me a new remote first…if the remote doesn’t fix the problem, it’s likely there’s a problem with the sign itself. No s—t.

-A Netflix series, called Clickbait, is playing in the background. it’s just...okay.

-I send an email blast to my online students, reminding them that all assignments are due by Friday because that’s the official end of the semester.

-I go over the Final’s questions, copy and paste an introductory paragraph into Canvas, and set the dates for my online class.

-I check email at College No. 2 and respond to a student.

-I email B. more info about the Palos Verdes exhibit, send him links to all the podcasts I referenced yesterday during patio coffee, and suggest two potential restaurants for Fathers Day.

-I submit a work order request for my air conditioner to my First American Home Warranty program.

11:00-11:30- L. needs to submit the FAFSA to Otis yet again and we have a discussion about it. Why do I have to submit my tax returns every year to this institution when she’s not even taking out federal loans? It’s ridiculous.

11:30-12:45-I do a 10-min Insanity-Ab workout followed by a 45-min Insanity Asylum - Strength workout.

12:45-1:30-I sit down for a minute and fall asleep.

1:45-2:30-Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 30-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 28-BA2.12.1 is the current variant