Day 32-BA5 takes the lead

Allegory of Earth…saw this at The Huntington today during the Huntington Members Summer Stroll…

Allegory of Air…

7/23/22. Saturday

8:45-9:00-I’m up and I take the dog out, straightaway.

9:00-10:00-I stay outside with her and water my plants. It’s been two days and they’re in desperate need of water. I have an apple sauce square for breakfast.

10:00-10:30-I change into a Maxi dress and update my bullet journal.

10:30-11:30-I take the dog for a walk and listen to an episode of Reveal, entitled Inside the Global Fight for White Power.

-L. leaves to pick up a voodoo doll from The Olde World Emporium. The voodoo doll will represent Tucker, her supervisor.

11:30-1:30- It’s time for food prep. I make two containers of scrambled eggs, two large bowls of spinach salad, with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, and boiled eggs. I also make a batch of plain Greek yogurt with diced apples, walnuts, and honey. I listen to re-runs of 28ish (this is a podcast about periods) because I missed valuable information the first go around. I have a few bites of scrambled egg and some bacon I made previously.

-I pack my lunch bag with a salad, apple slices, celery, applesauce, and almond butter.

1:30-3:00- I dust and wipe down ALL of my kitchen cabinets, then use touch-up paint and black Sharpies to fix where the paint has chipped. This has been on my To-do List for months and is a particularly nasty task that I didn’t want to do. The cabinets look great once I’m finished. More listening to 28ish

L returns with the voodoo doll and says she is going to show it to her co-worker Maria. Shocked, I say “Do NOT show that doll to anyone!!! These people are not your friends. Having a voodoo doll is creepy and weird - even though I support it - and Maria will tell.” L. leaves for The Club - she’s on Front Desk today.

3:30-4:00-I eat the remainder of my Cold Stone ice cream and read Things I Never Discussed.

4:00-5:00-Shower. Lotion. I wear the same long maxi dress I wore the other day and my new wedge sandals. I have tickets for the Huntington Members Summer Stroll but I’ve lost my momentum and don’t want to go now. It’s hot and 40 minutes away and my tickets were for 5:30 and I’ll be late and so on….

Right before I leave I go through my office cabinet and throw out 120 In-class assignments because I know I will never distribute them in class again. It’s too dangerous to put the students into groups, post-pandemic, especially in light of the multiple sub-variants coming down the pike; the sub-variants will never go away. I also throw away 100 paper copies of the Midterm and Final. We don’t disseminate tests anymore - everything is on Canvas.

5:30-6:10-It’s a Herculean effort but I force myself to go to the Huntington Members Summer Stroll. I grab my lunch bag and listen to the Culture Gabfest on the way.

6:10-8:00-Everything feels like such a slog. It’s possible that this is related to some slight depression. Just walking from the parking lot to the Membership kiosk takes effort. I walk around the grounds in my new wedge sandals that I don’t particularly care for and it’s sooo hot, BUT I come across two outdoor statues, tucked behind the Art Gallery, that I have never seen before: Allegory of Air and Allegory of Earth. They are huge 10-foot tall statues and beautiful. I listen to The Productive Woman as I walk around.

-I find a fountain hidden at the opposite end of the Rose Garden with some benches and tons of birds. I sit quietly and read Things We Didn’t Talk About. At around 7:45, a group of squealing pigs show up, crammed into their summer Maxi-dresses, and start shouting about touching the water at the top of the 7-foot fountain. These fat cows are screaming “pinky’s up”, which makes no sense, as they try to touch the water. I pack my book and leave.

8:00-8:15-In my car and I eat my spinach salad and read Things We Never Discussed.

8:15-9:00-I drive home and have a celery-and-almond butter snack. I listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour - they discuss a sit-com called Rutherford Falls featuring several Native American characters - and This is Uncomfortable. L. returns shortly after me.

9:00-9:30-I change into workout attire and read Things We Never Discussed.

9:30-9:45- I do a 10-minute, Insanity Max - Ab workout.

9:45-10:30-I lie down and recover. I need to get a HIIT workout in but I’m exhausted.

10:30-11:15-I do a 30-minute, Insanity Max - Friday Fight workout and it kicks my ass.

11:15-12:00- I spend some time trying to figure out how to sign up for a free trial at Peacock. I figure it out and watch the first episode of Rutherford Falls. When I try to play the second episode, it says I have to pay.

12:00-12:20-Nighttime routine.

12:20-1:00-I watch Shine, a movie from my “Master Movie List” that I’ve compiled over the years, but fall asleep in my chair.

3:00-3:30-I wake up, take the dog out, and lock up. Bed


Day 33-BA5 takes the lead


Day 31-BA5 takes the lead