Day 33-BA5 takes the lead

I watched this documentary today…very disturbing…

7/24/22. Sunday

9:00-9:30 - I’m up. As soon as the dog notices that I’ve opened my eyes, she jumps on my stomach and starts licking my hands.

9:30-10:15-I drag myself out of bed and take the dog outside. Then, I do the dishes and make a cup of coffee.

-L. and her friend, J., are going to the San Clemente Music Festival today. L. leaves, but can’t be bothered to say good-bye to me.

10:15-12:00-bullet journal.

12:00-12:45-I eat some of the scrambled eggs I batched yesterday and read Things We Never Discussed.

12:45-3:00 - more bullet journaling.

3:00-5:00-I watch Part I of Jimmy Savile, a British Horror Story, about a high profile “television personality” who is also a pedophile. It truly is a horror story.

5:00-5:30-I pack my beach bag, put on my bathing suit, grab my lunch bag, and leave for my community pool across the street. Unfortunately, there’s absolutely no place to park. There must be some party or gathering at the pool. Note to self: Stop doing things on the WEEKENDS!

5:30-6:00 - I’m home a few minutes later…

6:00-8:00-I watch the rest of the Jimmy Savile documentary. I fall asleep a couple of times but see it through to the end. Although terribly disturbing, this was a well-sourced, professional documentary.

8:00-8:45 - Kitchen duty and I take a “mystery” container from my freezer and put it in the microwave - I have no idea what it is. After it thaws, I’m pleasantly surprised to see two turkey burgers I grilled previously, on my Foreman grill, complete with pepper jack cheese. I eat 1 1/2 of them while I clean the kitchen and they are sooo good!

8:45-10:30-Gardening. I sweep the patio and the red rock bed and clean leaves and debris from 11 of my pots. I listen to Southern Fried Crime and The Waves.

10:30-11:00-I take out my trash cans.

11:00-11:30-I finally clean the downstairs toilet. This was another item on my to-do list that I’d been putting off.

11:30-1:00-I’m getting tired. I had originally planned to upload a blog post, but I have a few Life Admin. agenda items that I need to address:

- B. is reading a book I lent him - Everything I Have is Yours - and wants to know my opinion of the book. I look through my blog post archives, find my book review, and email it to him.

-I note that my Books Read 2022 hasn’t been updated since March so I go through past blog entries and record my books for April because I’m that behind. Turns out I only read ONE book for April.

-I check the Events Calendar at Placerita Nature Center for activities.

-I google book clubs and try to find something in my area but there’s nothing.

-L. surfaces and we talk about the Music Festival. According to L., the women were overly tanned and had leather faces. Everyone was white and bleached blond except L.’s friend, J., who is Filipino, and two other Asian girls. Oh…and there were two black guys.

All of the woman wore cut-off jeans, cowboy boots, and cheap blouses. L. wore a vintage pants suit and Juliana wore a polka-dot dress and Birkenstocks, which means they both stood out in the midst of all these hicks. Although this was a “surfer music” festival, mosh pits kept forming and L. and J. narrowly missed being thrown in because that’s what everyone was doing; grabbing random people and throwing them into the pit. L. said one guy lost his shoe in a mosh pit. What a horrible experience.

1:00-1:30-I start my nighttime routine and try to finish Things We Never Discussed because I’m almost done with it.

1:30-2:15-Sunless tanning. I finish my nighttime routine and listen to Crime Junkie. Bed.


Day 34-BA5 takes the lead


Day 32-BA5 takes the lead