Day 34-BA5 takes the lead

Step right up and get your 30th…45th…52nd booster here!!

Hospitalizations are up and Covid cases are on the rise. By this point, all of us have either had Covid (some of us multiple times) or we know someone who has had Covid, or we know someone who has died from Covid.

New vaccines tailored to treat Omicron will probably be out in the Fall so Dr. Anabelle De St. Maurice, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Co-Chief Infection Prevention Officer at USC Children’s Hospital warns you better get your booster - the same, old vaccine that Pfizer and Moderna have been pedaling for 2.5 years - now, to tie you over until September, when a new vaccine, actually designed to combat Omicron, will finally be ready to administer.

Unless I’ve lost count, this means we’re now on Booster No. 35. Since boosters have a 2-day, shelf-life inside of the body, by my estimation, you’ll be on jab No. 50 right around the time the new vaccine is rolled out.

The death rate in LA County is 75% higher than in the San Francisco Bay area, likely due to more overcrowding and poverty. Instead of addressing this systemic problem (“too many poor people”) in any meaningful way, LA County Dept. of Health is considering another indoor mask mandate. Good luck enforcing it.

This just in: there are now 168 cases of Monkey Pox in LA County, which means 168 gay men have Monkey Pox right now. As a result, the World Health Organization just declared Monkey Pox a “Public Health Emergency.” Why does the US continue to fund this retarded agency? Why does any country, for that matter?

7/25/22. Monday

5:00 - I wake up, but go back to sleep.

7:00-The dog starts barking so I let her out of my room then close the door behind her.

9:15-9:30-I’m up and I take pictures of 3 outfits in accordance with my curated closet project.

9:30-9:45-I open my bedroom door and the dog is waiting for me. She pooped in front of the door, probably because she’s mad at me for shutting my bedroom door. Outside we go, and I wait for her to go potty. Return inside - cheese for her, coffee for me. I report to my office.

9:45-11:00-The last item on my To Do list did not get accomplished yesterday, so it’s the first thing I’m going to do today. I upload two blog posts.

11:00-12:00-Mom emailed me a 10-minute video clip, deriding heavy people, so I watch it.

-I place an order at Walgreens for the Italian/Greece vacation pictures Mom requested.

-I put butter on a square of applesauce cake, warm it, then eat it.

12:00-12:30-Upstairs and I share the applesauce cake with the dog and finish reading Things We Never Discussed.

12:30-1:00-bullet journal

-L.’s friends, N. and Kiki, arrive. Kiki is a master filmmaker and is going to create a “doc-short”, featuring L. “making art” in her studio. This will take around 3 hours.

1:00-1:20 - I read two posts from Laura Vanderkam

1:20-2:20-Shower. Spa day. Lotion. I put on a shirt I purchased from Runway, a used clothing store. It’s in my color pallet- sage with flowers and frills on the shoulders. i also wear white shorts, a fresh water pearl V-neck necklace and matching, dangling freshwater earrings. I wear my new wedge shoes but I asked L. to cut the straps off because I forgot how much I hate sling backs. Garden Society Member attire.

2:20-3:00-I eat a pre-made spinach salad and the rest of my turkey burger.

3:00-4:30-I water all of my plants and bring in my trash cans. I listen to Crime Junkie and What a Day.

4:30-5:00-bullet journal and I listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour. I completely forgot to post today’s course content for my two College No. 2 summer online classes! I run downstairs to my office and publish the content. Luckily, only ONE student out of 70 bothered to inquire where the content was this morning.

5:00-6:30-I clean out the bookcase in my office, throw away all of my French notes, and store used books in my trunk, ready to give away. I also go through my sub bag and throw everything away except a few stamps which I later give to N. and L. I’m never subbing again.

-Kiki left.

One of L.’s art students arrived and was in the shoot.

-N. buys me an ice coffee

-6:30-7:30-I drive across town to Joann’s and buy a quarter piece of material that I can use for a tie around one of the shirts I bought at Runway.

7:30-8:15-I go to T.J. Max to look for a pair of black wedges, in conjunction with my curated closet project. I’m also looking for black and gold flats.

8:15-9:00-I stop by Nordstroms Rack and buy the three pairs of shoes that were on my list in accordance with my curated closet project.

9:00-10:00-Next, it’s onto Sprouts where I buy Nut Thins, bacon, and EVOO. Home and I put away the food then fix a bowl of L.s cheese /tomato spread. The art studio is in disarray from the 3+ hours of filming, so I return all the objects back to their original places, return my bike to the garage, and tidy the studio.

10:00-11:00-I eat the tomato-cheese spread with my Nut Thins and read Like a Mother. I really need to do a workout but my hiking group is meeting tomorrow at 8:00 am. I’m eating carbs and dairy very late in the day and I want to go to bed relatively early so I have energy for the hike. At the same time, I’m concerned about not doing an Insanity workout before going to bed, especially after I just carb loaded. I try to “give myself grace” with an inner monologue, wherein I tell myself, What will happen if you actually skip your workout tonight? Probably nothing. What will happen if you actually got enough sleep before tomorrow’s hike? You’ll have a better experience.

-L. and N. go to McDonalds. Gross.

11:00-12:00-Kitchen duty. I pack a lunch bag and try on several hiking outfits for tomorrow before I settle on what to wear.

12:00-12:20-I show L. and N. more stickers and stamps from my sub bag, before I go to bed.

12:20-1:15-Nighttime routine. Tidy my closet. Bed. I set my alarm for 6:00. The dog sleeps with N. and L. tonight


Day 35-BA5 takes the lead


Day 33-BA5 takes the lead