Day 35-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

See above…

Five days ago, the Biden administration decreed that overseas travelers to the U.S. will no longer have to test negative for COVID-19 within a day of flying to the United States. Were they ever? I didn’t see this happening at LAX when I flew to South Dakota last month. But is it wise to waive this requirement? Over the past several weeks, Americans throughout the country are getting re-infected again and again at a rapid pace - there is no natural immunity to the virus anymore. In fact, Xavier Bacera, Secretary of Health and Human Services, just tested positive, yet again, for Covid after originally contracting it in May. Now, as multiple re-infections rage across the country, the CDC is going to issue a proclamation that a negative Covid test is no longer necessary to enter the US? This is the exact moment in time when travelers should test negative before stepping foot on our shores…

6/15/22, Wednesday

9:00-9:30-I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and decide to give myself plenty of time to get ready. I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal and she’s already awake, waiting for me at the foot of the stairs. She grabs her toy and we go outside. I water a few of my plants while I wait for her to go potty. Mission accomplished and we return inside. I unload the dishwasher while I warm up my coffee and give her cheese.

9:30-10:00 - I check email and see that conceded that the neon sign they sent me is a dud. They are shipping a new sign to me within 24 hours.

11:00-11:45-Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. Athletic Housewife attire. Light make-up. I leave for the dentist.

12:00-1:30 - My dentist’s office follows Covid protocol so all of the employees are masked. It’s refreshing.

A couple months ago, I awoke to experience this strange popping sensation on the right side of my jaw, especially when I open my mouth wide or yawn - it feels like my jaw shifts out of alignment on the right side. My dentist puts his hands on my jaw while I open and close my mouth and he can feel the popping, too. He says something to the effect that bone is rubbing against bone??? I kind of blocked that out because I don’t want to hear that I have TMJ. I tell him I grind my teeth at night and he says a mouth guard might help with the popping. I ask if the procedure involves filling the patient’s mouth with “Plaster of Paris” and making he/she breathe through a straw while the mold sets. The dentist and his hygienist stare at me blankly. “They don’t do that anymore”, he says. The hygienist finishes my cleaning and I schedule an appointment for the mouth guard fitting. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn’t cover it so I will have to pay $250 out-of-pocket. Is anything covered anymore? I feel like everything is out-of-pocket these days…

1:30-2:00-Return home and L. says I can have her leftover carnitas tapas that she brought back from…somewhere. Refried beans are included and everything tastes amazing.

3:30-5:00-I leave for our community pool, which is directly across the street from our neighborhood. I lay out, but don’t seem to get much sun for whatever reason. I brought my lunch bag with me and I eat a salad, poolside, that I made earlier. I listen to This is Uncomfortable and Death Sex and Money.

5:00-8:00-Return home and I take a nap. The AC is still going strong. Thank god it’s fixed!

8:00-9:30 -I water my plants and do a general sweep of the backyard.

9:30-11:00-Kitchen duty and I make a salad and pack my lunch bag for tomorrow.

11:30-12:00-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 36-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 34-BA2.12.1 is the current variant