Day 36-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Back at Harbor Cove today…

6/16/22, Thursday

9:00-9:30-I’m up, but I lie in bed for another 15 minutes of transition time before finally rolling out of bed.

9:30-9:45-I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog, and am dismayed to see that she pooped next to the front door (sigh). We go outside to the backyard and I stand around waiting for her to finish her business. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I unload the dishwasher and go upstairs.

9:45-10:15-I read How to Win Friends and Tell Me Everything.

10:15-11:15-Shower. Lotion. I put on my bikini, yoga pants, and a T-shirt. Although earlier in the week weather predictions said it would be 75 degrees today, it’s not. Currently, Harbor Cove beach, in Ventura, is 65 degrees and cloudy. I don’t care - I’m going to the beach, damnit.

11:15-12:00-I straighten the kitchen, make a salad, and pack my lunch bag; then

12:00-1:00-I throw my beach bag in the car and drive to Harbor Cove.

1:00-3:00-Arrive and I set up camp. I throw down my beach blanket and set up my portable canvas folding chair. It’s cloudy but not terribly cold - I put on a sweatshirt and I’m comfortable. Unfortunately, I’m not getting any sun. I bullet journal, read a little Run to the Danger, eat my salad and L.’s leftover tapas, and call it a day. At least I went to the beach… I leave.

3:00-4:00 - Driving and the traffic is…okay.

4:00-5:30-Home and L surfaces and tells me the drama that’s happening at The Club. Apparently, L. is selling memberships like gangbusters and signing up lots of people. Of course, Tuc and La have to curtail L.’s entrepreneurial spirit because she’s making them look bad and taking their commission. Tuc and La have a meeting with L. and inform her that she is NOT allowed to sign up people for memberships until she is trained on Hubspot, The Club’s stupid database. However, Tuc and La won’t tell L. when said training will occur.

Some things never change. These assholes will prolong the training as long as possible in order to prevent L. from selling memberships so they can get all the commission. The moral of this story: If you’re a good employee, there is always someone waiting in the wings [in many cases, your Superiors] to sabotage you.

5:30-6:00-I change into walking attire; then

6:00–6:30-I drive to Week #1 of the Striders summer session. The first location of every season always begins at City Hall.

6:30 - 7:30 - Striders walking group.

** The air conditioner broke after the Freon that A/C Clinic added to my unit disappeared. The next couple of days are like a strange fever dream as temperatures hit 95 degrees in our house. Only snippets of days were logged in my bullet journal - probably because I suffered multiple heat strokes - so I made the executive decision to skip a few days and advance to Monday.


Day 37-BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 35-BA2.12.1 is the current variant