Day 38-BA5 takes the lead

Copy and paste the above link to see the multiple dead pigs hanging outside the Huanan Seafood Market. !!!IT’S A MUST-SEE!!!

A new report from a UCLA-led team of researchers confirms that live animals sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China are the likely source of the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings appeared in two peer-reviewed papers this week, and were published in the journal, Science; it appears that the Huanan Seafood Market was identified as the place of origin. The virus then spread to multiple vendors via the live animals they were selling. These vendors and shoppers infected their surrounding communities in two separate transmission events, occurring in late November 2019.

UCLA pulled data from the WHO’s database in order to identify Covid cases, based on patients’ signs and symptoms, in China hospitals in November 2019. All data show that Covid-19 originated at Huanan, specifically at the western side of the market, where live wildlife [NOT seafood], such as raccoon dogs, hedgehogs, deer, hares, etc., were sold.

The UCLA scientists stand by their research and are adamant this is how and where the pandemic started. At the end of December 2019, after the Chinese govt. shut the Huanan Market down, WHO and Chinese teams took environmental swabs of cages, walls, doors, fur, and feathers, and tested them for SARS Covid 19. In particular, a handful of five live-animal stalls yielded positive Covid-19 samples from cages used to contain live animals. As an aside, several Mahjong games were being played in the corner of this market when the animal to human jump occurred.

Molecular Clock Analysis was used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of SARS Covid 2 using viruses from genomes sampled from the cases around Wujan, along with modeling and simulations. Clear signs point to the fact that the virus was initially transferred from an intermediate speices - raccoon dog, deer, etc. - to a vendor or someone visiting the wet market, at which point the virus was then spread throughout the community. This is the only true interpretation of the data, according to the researchers.

Spoiler Alert: In February 2023, the US Energy Department - yes, I said “Energy”; why the hell is the “Energy Dept” involved? - will debunk this well-sourced, peer-reviewed study, published in the reputable journal, Science, without providing any evidence to the contrary. The Energy Department will say their conclusion was made with “low confidence” based on new intelligence (never provided). The term “low confidence” is never defined and the “new intelligence” is never identified.

Why did the Energy Dept even publish this “op-ed” memo?

7/29/22. Friday

8:30-9:00-I need to check course content to see if it is sound - I was tired when I posted last night - so the dog and I are up and heading outside. I wait for her to go potty, then return inside: cheese for her and coffee for me. I report to my office and check Canvas. For the most part, course content is okay. A link to a video clip expired so I repair it.

9:40-10:40-Shower. I’m at 96.5 today. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Garden Society Member sundress - purple with orange flowers - and a necklace. Light make-up.

Errand Day

10:40-11:00-I drive to my therapy appointment.

11:00-11:30-I would very much like to schedule a beach-bike vacation for myself before Fall Semester starts; there’s not much time. A main issue, though, is that I don’t have a bike rack installed on the back of my Corolla. B. does have a bike rack and, in the past, we’ve transported our bikes to Huntington Beach that way; however, B. booked a 3-day bike trip with his friends in the coming days with no plans for us to go at all. To be fair, B. and I have separate households and lives and he is under no obligation to schedule a biking trip with me. Unfortunately, I’ve come to depend on his bike rack…but maybe I don’t have to. Maybe I can find a resort or location that rents bikes and I can schedule my own vacation.

Lately, I’ve been scheduling weekly sessions with my therapist because I’m a little down. I tell her about my mini-vacay idea and we discuss the logistics and what that might entail. I have some ideas and I feel more upbeat after I leave. I schedule another session for next week, but this time for an hour.

11:30-12:00-I go to Bed Bath and Beyond and buy a pillow for my bed and some head bands (Garden Society Member curated closet project) with my 25% coupon. At this time of the day, none of the stores are sufficiently staffed and the lines are too long. It’s ridiculous.

12:00-12:30-Next, it’s Staples for hanging folders for the two drawers in my desk filing cabinet that I cleaned out in accordance with the Paper Project book. It is so hot today.

12:30-1:45-Errand day continues. I go to Kohls for T-back bras in accordance with my curated closet project. I buy three bras, two tank tops, and a pair of athletic shorts. This time, the line is halfway to the back of the store. Again, no staffing (per usual)

Home and a pair of shorts and leggings arrived. I tried them on in the store, then ordered them online in different colors. How can they fit in the store, but not when they arrive to my house? It’s the same brand and size, just in a different color!

1:45-2:30- I cut the tags off the items I just bought and hang everything up.

2:30-4:00-I have remaining Thai food glass noodles, saffron rice, followed by some of my apple sauce cake and several bites of Rocky Road ice cream. I read Like a Mother.

-I call Dr. Sanders and request a consultation for a face lift; “Suzy” will call me on Monday.

-my former co-worker and friend from 4 years ago reached out via text and email with a picture of his new baby. This was prior to my Italy trip and, although I responded, I ghosted him at the end. I reach out today, via text, and say I would love to see his new baby, even if it’s just for 15 minutes, and that I will drive to his location. Later, he will respond with a video of his baby - he’s so cute! - but won’t commit to a date/time saying he’s sooo busy with the baby, which I totally understand.

4:00-5:30-I take a nap.

6:00-7:30-I get in my car and return to yesterday’s walking meet at Westcreek Park. I really liked this paseo and I want to map out a possible bike ride on the same paseo, hopefully for tomorrow. If I know where I’m going, the odds are I will go.

7:30-8:00-I think I got the bike route down and head home.

-L. worked in Membership today and returns home. She says it was dead and there were no tours. Tucker’s kids were in the office and when he introduced them to L. he called one of them by the wrong name. These are his actual biological kids! L. thinks he was drunk. This guy’s a loser.

8:45-9:30-I do a 30-min, Insanity Max - Power workout.

10:00-10:30-I take the dog for a walk.

10:30-12:30-Blog post

-I check my personal email and see that Renee invited me on a hike for Friday morning (THIS morning) outside of the regular Tuesday. She sent the email Thursday night but I just got it. Damn.

12:30-1:30-I really want to get up at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning and go on a bike ride. That’s the plan anyway and the best way to make that happen is to have everything ready for tomorrow so all I have to do is go. I slice up apples and make celery with almond butter. Kitchen duty. I’m very hungry right now so I cut up tiny squares of pepper jack cheese and eat it with walnuts

1:30-2:30-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 39-BA5 takes the lead


Day 37-BA5 takes the lead