Day 39-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

L. and I saw Animal Farm, the Musical, today…

More Animal Farm…

L. and I went to Perle Restaurant after Animal Farm…

9/11/22. Sunday

L. opens at The Club today and has to be there at 6:00 AM. I hear her leave around 5:30 am.

10:00-10:30-I’m up. I take the dog outside, return upstairs, and read War Torn. After, I clean up my bullet journal.

10:30-11:00-My bathroom is still overrun with bugs; this is so disgusting! I spend some time cleaning my counters.

11:00-12:30-Shower. I sit in the shower, ice my eyes, and drink my coffee. Lotion. I curl my hair and apply full make up. Garden Society Member: I wear a black and white floral flared dress with a spaghetti-strap bodice, purchased from The Runway, a “slightly used” clothing store. I add my sparkle, black ballet flats to the outfit.

12:30-1:00 - L. is home from work early today.

-I start preparing a “Welcome” email for a new high school student who is going to enroll in my online class, but I don’t finish the template.

1:00-2:00-L. and I leave for the Animal Farm musical, performed by the theatre troupe, A Noise Within, in Pasadena.

2:00-4:00-I’m shocked to see that, after 2 1/2 years of Covid, with the pandemic largely behind us, masks are required at this venue.

4:00-5:30-The musical was quite good! After, L. and I go to Perle for dinner. We order the baguette and stuffed mushrooms, then L. orders the Parmesan Fries. We both get the vegetarian Ratoullie. I have two glasses of Brut Rose. The meal is excellent!

5:30-6:00-L. and I leave for dessert at the Salt n Straw. I order the salted, malted chocolate chip cookie dough and L. gets something???

6:00-7:00-We drive home and listen to the Frontline podcast - Lies, Politics, and Democracy.

7:00-8:00-Home and I take out my trash cans, then pull my remaining Cold Stone out and eat it while I read War Torn.

8:00-10:00-I’m exhausted so I take a nap. I can’t go to bed because I still have work to do.

10:00-11:30-bullet journal.

11:30-12:00-I start working on a blog post.

12:00-12:15-I finish the “Welcome” email for the new student and attach the Syllabus and the Audio Syllabus.

12:15-12:35-I send an email blast to the other high school students at the “Einstein”, online class [College No. 2] and attach the AUDIO syllabus. They still do not have access to Canvas; we’re in Week 3 and this is ridiculous.

-I tweek the course content for both classes in preparation for the upcoming week.

-I’m still trying to restore my Canvas profile picture after it mysteriously disappeared. As stated previously, the rumor is Canvas is holding our profile pictures hostage in the hope that this will force us to delete some of our course content in order to free up data storage …and yet, Canvas never bothered to share with any Instructors why our profile pictures were deleted so nobody knew what we were supposed to do once the profiles mysteriously disappeared. Somehow, someone figured this out…although it’s still not working. I’ve deleted a shit ton of data and still no profile picture.

- I take this time to delete over 100 emails in the Canvas Inbox. Nope. I still can’t upload my profile picture. I listen to Who Killed Daphne?

12:35-1:00-Per that crazy OSD bitch’s demands, I am forwarding my Audio lectures to Yuja so their AI can create the transcribed product. The only problem is that this process creates “word salad”, i.e., “word shit”, that doesn’t make any sense. It’s just a gobbledy gook of words strung together - very bizarre. A “transcription hack” that L. and I devised involves forwarding her the Yuja transcription [“word shit”] and my original Audio file so L. can officially edit the Yuja transcript because this is just ONE of many transcripts that MUST be provided to that crazy OSD bitch, personally, via HER email, every Monday.

Transcription is not a hard task, but it is quite boring. L. finishes the transcription relatively quickly and sends me an invoice for $25, which I promptly pay. I Zelle L. the money.

-I field emails from several students, then tweek this week’s course content and publish the Module for Specialty Class 1A.

-I email all of the course content separately to that crazy OSD bitch to include the transcribed lecture that L. just finished, as well as transcription for this week’s assigned documentary.

-L. is going to Disneyland tomorrow and asks if I want to contribute to the “L. Disneyland Fund.” Uh, not really…

1:00-2:30-I work on a blog post and update my bullet journals.

2:30-3:30-I don’t finish the blog post so I save it instead.

3:30-4:30-Nighttime routine. I listen to Dateline. Bed.


Day 40-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 38-Monkey pox is the new pandemic