Day 38-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

Working on my Asynchronous high school class today…I only have 10 students….

9/10/22. Saturday

-L. has a scheduling snafu at The Club through no fault of her own and is working overlapping hours in Membership today. She leaves for her 8:00 to 5:00 shift.

-I had plans to go birding this morning but it’s raining today. Finally…blessed rain.

9:30-10:00-the dog wakes me up and we go downstairs so I can take her outside. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I unload the dishwasher and wash a few dishes.

10:00-11:00-The base of my standing fan broke last night so I propped it up against my stepladder, using my purse as a bolster. Unfortunately, I inadvertently moved my purse and the entire fan falls and shatters, plastic chards going everywhere. I vacuum everything, then batch task and vacuum my bathroom, the rest of my room, the landing and the laundry room.

-I bring the vacuum downstairs and vacuum the scorpion that I put under a glass several days ago.

-I start a load of laundry.

-I have an ant-bug infestation in my bathroom and spray Windex and tile cleaner on the insects crawling on my bathroom counters. Where the hell are these bugs coming from?

-11:00-12:00-I cut strips of Velcro and reattach my runner on the second landing of the stairwell.

-12:00-1:00-I eat the last of the overnight oats I made a few days ago, then take a shower.

1:00-2:00-I make a baked potato in the microwave, then slather it with butter. It is sooo good! I eat my lunch in the garage so I can eat in peace, away from the dog; I read War Torn.

2:00-4:00-bullet journal.

4:00-4:45 - I watch an Organized Money video and a Mina Rome Vegan video on You Tube.

-I try to buy tickets for Carved at Descanso Gardens but learn that the tickets don’t go on sale until 9-15.

4:45-5:50-I complete the syllabus for my “Einstein” high school students in my fully online class offered via College No. 2, then record an entirely new AUDIO Syllabus. I’ve been putting this task off for awhile so I’m glad it’s out of the way.

-I hang my clothes and put my socks and underwear in the drier.

5:50-6:30-I make more adjustments to my “Einstein”, online, high school syllabus and add the minutes for all of my Media sources. I also rearrange class content and update due dates for the various assignments.

6:30-6:45-I check personal email and print out the “folio” from JW Mariott Springs so I can cross reference later.

6:45-6:50-I spend some time trying to purchase Forest Bathing tickets at the Huntington but it’s sold out.

6:50-7:05 - I update the Canvas shell for my “Einstein” students [fully online high school class]. I listen to Who Killed Daphne; then

7:05-7:30-check headlines.

7:30-8:30-I thaw leftover barbecue chicken/red onion leftovers and add to my pre-made salad. I read War Torn while I eat my salad.

8:30-9:00-I take the dog for a walk and listen to Film Week.

9:00-10:30-I watch the Anthrax Attacks documentary on Netflix.

-L. surfaces. We have plans to meet at 10:00 pm so L. can help me upload and edit my Audio Lectures.

10:30-10:45-L. is running late, but we finally have a meet-and-confer where we try to load a 3-minute introductory video into my Canvas shell for Specialty Class 1A. Unfortunately, the shell is corrupted and won’t load anything, even though it’s only a 3-minute video.

-L converts a QR code to a map graphic for one of my Google slides.

-I airdrop the Audio syllabus I recorded earlier to L. She, in turn, emails it to me and I load it into the Canvas shell.

-10:45-11:25-I finish watching the Anthrax Attacks; then

11:25-11:30-check headlines.

11:30-1:40-Blog post. I’m still updating content for the South Dakota trip that B. and I went on in May. I’m very behind with my posts.

1:40-2:05-I finally finish watching the Mina Rome vegan video on You Tube.

2:05-2:10-Once again, I check headlines.

2:10-2:45-I accidentally fall asleep.

2:45-2:50-I order the book, Just Mercy, from my library. This is a referral from my favorite student in my F2F Thursday night class.

3:00-4:00-Nighttime routine and I listen to Dateline. I paint my nails. Bed.


Day 39-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 37-Monkey pox is the new pandemic