Day 4 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California

The tables I ordered from Wayfair still haven’t arrived…I need them for the Xmas dinner…

12/18/21. Saturday 

8:00 – L. leaves for work.

8:30-9:00 – I’m up so I go downstairs to greet the dog.  She’s asleep on the couch, even though L. was just downstairs.  I rub her tummy several times then cue her to go outside – I see that she pooped on the patio (sigh) so I clean it up. She goes potty and we return inside: cheese for her; coffee for me.  I go to work.

9:00-9:30 – I upload a blog post.

9:30-10:00 – I copy-and-paste all of my blog posts, from Square Space to my Desktop, for the months from September through December.

10:00-10:30 – I go through my blog posts to determine when I started the garage conversion project and discover that the reno began on 4/30/21.  I start compiling the hours spent on the garage reno for the month of May, which ends up totaling 36 hours. I have The Organized Money - You Tube videos running in the background while I work.

11:30-12:30 – The Wayfair work benches (two tables) have still not arrived and these tables are necessary for seating everyone for my “Xmas in the Garage” dinner. I’m extremely concerned.  Without these tables, there will be no “Xmas in the Garage” and I will have to move everyone into my tiny kitchen and dining room. I check the website and I see that my credit card was charged on 12/18 and the tables are scheduled to be delivered on 12/23 so I am somewhat reassured, although we’re moving into crunch time…

-I check my Asynchronous class at College No. 2. The deadline to take the Final has expired so it is time to post semester grades.

-The high school liaison for my upcoming T/Th class emailed to inform me that they cannot change the class to M/W. Damn.

-I check the Schedule of Classes for College No. 1 to see how my enrollment is faring for the three classes I was assigned.  The numbers are low…I said this before, but it’s possible that none of these classes will run.

12:30-1:45 – I update my bullet journal and listen to AirTalk from 10/26, the journal entry that I’m currently working on, so I can refresh my memory regarding what was happening with Covid-19 at that time.

1:45-2:40 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Friday Fight workout.

2:40-3:00 – I have a few pieces of cheese and pecans and one Ireland chocolate, while I compile the number of books and my page count for 2021.

3:30-5:00 – Shower. Lotion. Full make-up. I put on a long dress and high-heeled boots.

5:00-5:20 –I drive to B.’s house.

5:00-11:00 – B. is hosting dinner at his house. My parents are there. So are L. and her boyfriend, T., and B.’s daughter, J., and her husband, R. B. serves lasagna and a vegetable version. HIs house is festive and decorated for Xmas and it’s a very nice dinner overall.

11:00-11:30 – B. drives me home; L. is spending the night at her boyfriend’s house.

11:30-12:00 – I take the dog out and lock up. Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 5 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California


Day 3 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate for California