Day 4 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of concern”

It’s that time of year again…

11/28/21. Sunday. 

8:00-9:00 – I’ve been up, off a on, since 4:00 a.m.  

-Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Make-up. I repack my overnight bag. 

9:00-10:00 – B. is still asleep so I lie down and wait for him to wake up. 

10:00-11:00 – B gets dressed and he goes to Starbucks while I sit outside, at his patio table, and read The Lazy Genius.  

11:00-1:30  - B. returns with Starbucks  and we sit outside and talk politics and discuss our 2022 resolutions. Note: Although I  share my “22 for 2022” list with B. on this day, on New Years Eve, B. will ask me about my New Year’s resolutions which I will share with him…again.  He will seemingly have no recollection of our previous conversation today [11/28/21] because he probably wasn’t interested. I can sense this as I share my future goals and objectives with him in real time [11/28/21]… I guess to everyone but me my goals are probably pretty boring. Eventually, I leave. 

1:30-2:00 – Drive home. 

2:00-3:30 – It looks like the dog puked on one of the slipcovers on the loveseat, so I put it in the washing machine. When it’s done, I put it in the drier and do a load of towels. In the interim, it’s time for kitchen duty and I also put away my overnight bag. 

3:30-5:00 – Blog posts. 

5:00-5:30 – L. cut up some potatoes and cooked them in the Air Frier with a spicy hot seasoning.  I have a couple spoonfuls of her potatoes and they’re quite good. I read The Lazy Genius. 

5:30-6:00 – I take the dog for a walk and have a trail mix packet while listening to Film Week  on Air Talk. I put my trash cans out. 

6:00-7:30 – bullet journal. 

9:30-10:30 – I upload my blog post and order more containers from The Container Store for L.’s art supplies.

10:30-12:00 – I revise the Final for Specialty Class 1A at College No. 1 . 

-L. comes home after spending the day at The Getty with her boyfriend, T., and then having lunch at an incredible Thai restaurant. She talks to me a little about her day. 

12:00-12:45 – I check course content for my Asynchronous class, then publish the Canvas shell for the upcoming week. 

1:00-1:15 – I do a 10-minute, Insanity Ab workout. 

1:15-1:45, I do a 20-minute Insanity – Pulse recovery workout. 

2:00 – 2:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 5 - the WHO names Omicron “variant of concern”


Day 3 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of concern”