Day 5 - the WHO names Omicron “variant of concern”


Omicron cases have been doubling daily in South Africa and this variant is “much more transmissible” than Delta, but the question that everyone is asking is: “How severe is Omicron?” It appears to be more transmissible, but is it milder? There are only a handful of anecdotal accounts from South Africa so we still don’t know… Biden says, “This variant is a cause for concern, NOT a cause for panic.”    Which means it’s time to panic. Why on earth would I trust my government?

Biden goes onto say, “The best protection against this new variant…is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot…” So, get vaccinated with the same vaccine that we’ve been using against the original Covid-19?  Big Pharma originally sold these new MRNA vaccines to the American public as revolutionary new science that would enable scientists to simply tweek the DNA of the vaccine by introducing the gene from the next variant and then mass-producing the new vaccine ‘within seconds” [just kidding – they didn’t say “seconds”, but, hello!, remember Operation Warp Speed? Can’t Big Pharma (Moderna and Pfizer) replicate that again?]

Yet, in two years, we have yet to see this alleged nimble prowess and Big Pharma continues to jab us with the exact same vaccine we’ve always had.  Even the “booster” is just another dose of the same vaccine – a full dose from Pfizer and a half-dose from Moderna.  Pfizer just announced that they can re-engineer their vaccine within a 100 days to combat Omicron. 100 days? I don’t think we have that kind of time. The Governor of New York just declared a state of emergency…

HOWEVER, IF Pfizer can engineer a new vaccine to combat Omicron in 100 days, why would I get a booster now? The boosters are just a reiteration of the same “jab” we had when we were originally vaccinated. Biden and Fauci keep telling us to “get boosted” with the old vaccine when, according to Pfizer, the new vaccine, genetically engineered to combat Omicron, could be released in 3  months. Doesn’t it make more sense to wait for a vaccine/booster specifically engineered to combat the newest variant?

In the interim, the City of Los Angeles has mandated that all customers must show proof of vaccination before they enter any establishment or venue…this is one of the strictest mandates in the country.

 11/29/21. Monday

6:00 a.m. – L. leaves for her long day at Otis. 

9:00-9:30 – Up and I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. She pooped in the house again!  What is happening? The dog went back to sleep after L. left for school so I sit next to her and rub her tummy.  When she wakes up a bit more, I point at the poo and say, “What’s this?!  Did you do that?!” She stares at me blankly…there’s no shame to her game. Eventually, I cue her to go outside and we report to the backyard.

9:30-10:30 – I finish The Lazy Genius.  **Book review to follow on Thursday 

10:30-11:15 – I grade the last extra credit assignment from College No. 2, then post the grade and scan and email it to the student. 

11:15-12:00 – I scramble two eggs and pack my lunch bag between bites. I also make some toast and listen to The Daily. 

12:00-12:50- Shower. Lotion. I put on jeans, a sweater, and boots. Full make-up.  I listen to What’s Next. 

12:50-1:15 – Today is the last day for my Specialty 1A Class and it couldn’t come soon enough [Omicron]. I check email at College No. 1. The only thing on the agenda today is the Final, which is in the Canvas shell and accessible online… AND YET four students insist on coming to class to take the Final instead of taking it in the privacy of their own home, which means I have to come to class. Why on earth are these students insisting on coming to class when they can take a 50-question test online? Especially with Omicron floating around? One of the students stopped submitting the homework assignments months ago and has an F in the class, which will not be raised by the Final.  He knows this [I emailed him numerous times, encouraging him to withdraw with a “W”, but he refused…this class is probably tied to his financial aid scam in some way…], I know this, and yet he insists on coming to class to take the Final. 

1:30-2:30 – Driving. I eat pimento olives and listen to Citations Needed. 

2:30-4:30 – I administer the Final to FOUR students. - the rest of the students are taking the Final online. The FOUR F2F students finish in 20 minutes and leave. I compile the semester grades for this class, then update the Attendance for my Asynchronous class at College No. 2.  

4:30-5:30 – Now it’s time to drive back. I could have done all of the above in the comfort of my own home, withOUT burning a half-tank of gas [$20 now, on account of inflation] and contributing to global warming. I eat a piece of almond butter toast that I prepared earlier and listen to Fresh Air. What a waste of my time! 

5:30-6:00 – Home and I bring in all of my assorted school bags. 

6:00-6:30 – I take the dog for a walk and listen to Case File. After, I bring my trash cans in. 

6:30-7:00 – Kitchen duty. More Case File. 

7:00-8:00-L. returns from Otis and helps me assemble the portable sink. We try it out and it works!  It even has hot water! 

8:30-10:00 – Blog post. 

10:30-12:20 – Gardening. This may seem odd, BUT this is the only time I have available to take care of my plants. I’ve said this before…my neighbors must think I’m nuts. I sweep the patio and trim and water my plants. I listen to Death Sex and Money – “What I Live With: The Aftermath of Fatal Accidents.” 

12:30-12:45 – I have some leftover Chinese food that L. doesn’t seem interested in finishing, to include a few pieces of chicken and mushrooms and one deep-fried carrot.  I have an Irish Whiskey Dark Chocolate from the bag B. brought back from Ireland for dessert. 

1:00-2:00 – I have every intention of working out, but accidentally fall asleep for an hour. 

2:00-3:00 – bullet journal. I listen to AirTalk. 

3:00-3:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I listen to Boys Like Me and set my alarm for 8:00.



Day 6 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of concern”


Day 4 - the WHO names Omicron a “variant of concern”