Day 45-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

Finished this book today…highly recommend!!!

Finished this series today…it’s…okay.

9/17/22. Saturday

8:00-8:30-I wake up with a headache…again. AND my eyes hurt. I take the dog out, grab ice and coffee, and return upstairs to lie down with my ice pack over my eyes.

8:30-9:00-I take Advil and lie down with a Ziplock bag full of ice.

9:00-10:00-I finish War Torn.

This was an excellent referral from B., written 20 years ago (2002). Each chapter features a female journalist who relays an account of her own personal experience in Vietnam, during the Vietnam War. Some of the journalists are freelance, some are with a news agency, but ALL of them are literally in the trenches, viewing and documenting horrific carnage and destruction. Several of the women are photographers as well.

This is a harrowing account of female journalists covering one of our bloodiest wars at a time when women didn’t cover wars. All of the female journalists employed with a news agency or newspaper had to work extremely hard to convince their MALE bosses that they were fit for duty and ready to go. They constantly overcame male supervisor objections that women had no business being exposed to this type of violence - only male journalists should cover a war. I call bulls—t.

Highly recommend this book!

10:00-11:00-I start a load of laundry, change into athletic attire, and do a 30-minute Insanity Max - Sweat workout because I’ve determined that I have the most energy at this time.

11:00-3:00-I make a piece of toast from the special raisin bread I purchased recently, spread it with butter, and watch three episodes of Scenes from a Marriage. I bullet journal while I watch.

3:00-4:15-A few of my online “Einstein” high schoolers text me that they are having issues logging onto Canvas so I text them back and provide instructions. I check email at College No. 2 and grade two chapter review tests submitted from my Wed. and Fri. F2F class. Then, I email a student from the “Einstein” online high school and tell her to retake the quiz. I send audio lectures (again) to another student because she can’t access Canvas.

Although I told the students to log in on Thursday, via email, and reminded them again, Friday afternoon, some of the students waited until the weekend which means they can’t get help with any issues that might arise because the Help Desk is closed.

4:25-4:35-I return B’s call/text and he asks if I want to do something tomorrow. I tell him I will research this and call him at 5:00 pm.

4:35-5:00-I like the Museum of Jurassic Technology and email B. the link to the website.

5:00-5:30-I call B. and tell him what I’d like to do tomorrow and he suggests that we eat in the same area. I conclude the call and text L. for suggestions, then research the restaurants she texted to me, and send the links to B. I buy the tickets to Jurassic Technology.

5:30-7:00-I move the cars and lay a tarp on the driveway. I spray paint the sticks I bought at Michaels the other day hot pink and silver. I listen to Happier.

7:00-7:30-I leaf blow the garage and put away the tarp.

7:30-7:45-I take the leaf blower outside and try blowing the leaves out of the red rock bed. It works!! This could cut my gardening time in half. I hook up the new hose I bought, while listen to the Run Up.

7:45-8:30-I reheat my lemon chicken breast with veggies and rice and add butter. I have it for dinner while listening to Cal Newport’s Deep Questions podcast.

8;30-9:10-I update my bullet journal.

9:10-11:00-I sweep the patio, the main sidewalk, and clean out my fountain and the various pots. I plant three new plants that I purchased from Home Depot.

11:00-11:30-I wipe down my bathroom counters and straighten my room.

11:30-12:30-Kitchen duty and I ready my lunch bag for tomorrow.

12:30-1:30 - Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 1 - Biden said the pandemic is over


Day 44-Monkey pox is the new pandemic