Day 4-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic

Major computer and software issues…some days, nothing goes right…

8/7/22. Sunday

8:00-8:30- I have to record a new Chapter 15 Audio Lecture before I meet with L. today so I’m up and moving. The dog and I go downstairs and I take her outside so she can go potty. Cheese for her; coffee for me. I grab my coffee and the transcription L. completed (recall that I pay L. for every minute of work that she does for me) and go upstairs.

8:30-10:30- I edit the transcription and do light research to ensure that the information is sound.

10:30-11:30-Downstairs and I prep links for the audio clips in conjunction with the Google slides.

11:30-12:00-I record the lecture. Unfortunately, 25 minutes in, the slides are so misnumbered and out of sequence (not L.’s fault) that I need to re-edit and start over.

12:00-1:15-I re-edit the transcription and block the slides effectively, then re-record the Audio Lecture on my IPad. When I’m finished, I have my yogurt-apple-walnut mixture for breakfast.

1:30-2:15-Shower. I sit in the shower, lean my head against the tiles, and ice my eyes. Lotion. I put on an Athletic Housewife outfit and take my trash cans out right before I leave.

2:15-3:15-L. is spending the night with my parents so we agree to meet at a location that is closer and more convenient for her. She picks the Whole Wheatery because it’s her favorite restaurant and because she knows I’ll pay. I drive to Lancaster and hit terrible construction on Avenue K.

3:15-4:30-I meet L. in the parking lot and we bring all our tech equipment inside. We sit in a booth and order the Toscana soup. I get a turkey sandwich with my soup and it’s incredible! L. gets something?? with her Toscana soup and orders not one, but TWO smoothies. I pay. What else is new?

-The WiFi is terrible here and L. is having difficulty emailing the Audio file to me. I lost email capability on my Ipad so she tries to airdrop it onto her laptop but it’s not working.

4:30-5:30-L. and I decide to meet at College No. 1’s parking lot where the WiFi is better. It’s about 10 miles away and we meet in the empty parking lot. I move to L.’s car and she is able to airdrop my Audio lecture from my Ipad to her laptop, at which point she sends the lecture to my email account. We’re done and we leave.

5:30-6:30-I drive home and L. returns to my parents’ house.

7:00–9:00-I grade four extra credit essay assignments.

9:00-10:30-I do a 15-minute, Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 30-minute, Insanity Max-Friday Fight workout.

I start packing intermittently.

10:30-2:00-I scan 10 papers and my scanner jams at every turn. Then, I post grades and email the assignments to the students.

-I tweak course content and download the Audio file that L. emailed to me earlier today. It plays fine, but when I try to post it to the Canvas shell, an error message pops up that says, “File corrupted.” After all of the time I allocated for driving to Lancaster to meet with L so she could email the file; the gas I paid for the round trip; the $42 for lunch…I still canNOT load the Audio Lecture into Canvas.

-I spend some time researching the problem and texting L. about it but she’s asleep. No matter how hard I try, I can’t solve the problem.

2:00-3:00 am - I send an email blast to my students informing them that I had technical difficulties and that my “editing team” will be correcting the issue soon.

-I send a “Reminder” email to my students that Thursday is the last day of the semester so the Final must be completed by Thursday, not Sunday, like their regular assignments. I also post the email to the Announcement page in the Canvas shell.

-I tweek the Final Review and post that to the current Module, then publish the course content for Monday, minus the Audio Lecture. Today was a complete fiasco - I feel demoralized and shut everything down.

3:00-4:00 - Nighttime routine. Sunless tanning. Light packing. Bed.


Day 5-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic


Day 3-Monkey Pox is the new pandemic