Day 5-BA5 takes the lead

Omicron reinfections are imminent…

In April 2021, I got the J&J “jab”, then contracted BA2 the first week of January 2022. I was very sick for several weeks and I still think I have Long Covid, although not nearly as severe a version as other people. On 5/6/22, I received a Moderna booster, containing the same Covid 19 vaccine developed at the end of 2020. I’ve been vaxed, boosted, and I contracted BA2 - one would think that my immunity is foolproof as I head into my 16-day vacation. Ultimately, though, I have no immunity. None of the above matters because reinfections can occur multiple times even if you’ve already contracted Covid…even if you were already vaxed and boosted.

Reinfections are much more common with the Omicron variant than with previous variants because Omicron, and it’s various strains, are much better at reinfecting people.

For example, results from a South African study found that individuals can be re-infected by an Omicron variant up to four times; reinfections typically occur within 60 days. It might surprise you to know that South African population immunity was fairly high by the end of 2021 (70%), but has risen even higher. Omicron hit in December 2021 and, by mid-March 2022, after the Omicron wave “crashed”, South African population immunity had risen to a whopping 98%, meaning just about everyone contracted Omicron, sometimes multiple times, even if they were previously vaxed and boosted; Reinfections contributed to the rise in immunity.

This does not bode well for me as I prepare to embark on a 2-week vacation/cruise to Italy and Greece…

6/26/22. Sunday

4:00 am-I wake up…and go back to sleep.

7:00-8:00-L. leaves for work. It’s already hot, so I take off my pajamas and try to go back to sleep.

8:00-8:30-I give up and get out of bed. This is it. ONE more day before our Italy/Greece cruise! I vacuum my room and start a load of laundry.

8:30-9:30-I go through my stack of unread books and pick four for my trip.

9:30-11:00-Downstairs to greet the dog and take her outside. After she goes potty, we head inside - cheese for her, coffee for me. Then, I close the doggie door and lock her inside.

-I water my plants and deep-drench the beds. I also fix the automatic timer for the outside lights.

-I take a break and have my leftover Mexican food from last night.

11:00-12:00-While all of this is going on, I do three loads of laundry and towels, then fold and put everything away.

12:00-1:00-I clean out the fridge and take the trash out.

1:00-2:15-I reapply velcro to my stair runner so T. won’t trip and kill himself if he stays over.

2:15-2:45 - I do a 30-minute Insanity Max - Friday Fight workout.

2:45-3:15-L. makes an edit to the Chapter 1 - Audio Lecture. I load the new lecture into both Canvas shells because I’m now teaching TWO classes for Summer session.

3:15-4:00-I check both shells, make sure everything is “locked and loaded” and “publish” both courses. The classes are live!

4:00-4:30-I check the automatic sprinkler timer to make sure it’s working and do a few test runs.

5:00-5:30-I drive to Bev Mo so I can stock up for my return home; then

5:30-6:15-CVS; then

6:15-7:00-Sprouts, where I buy Lara bars to carry as snacks and cheese slices for the dog.

7:00-7:30-I drive to Teriyaki Bowl for take out and use my “free egg roll” coupon because it is due to expire while I am on cruise.

7:30-8:00-Return home.

T. and L. go to Solitas to discuss their disagreement concerning whether or not L. should be visiting “Chester”, her childhood friend, at his parent’s house.

8:00-9:00-Home and I put everything away, and have dinner and champagne on the patio. Exactly ten hours before we are due to leave, L. tells me that she needs a neighborhood parking placard for her car, as she plans to park it at the curb, outside of the house. I don’t have one.

9:00-10:00-I finish packing my toiletries and food items.

12:00-2:00-I go downstairs and make front and back copies of my credit cards so I have all of the information with me in case they’re stolen. Spoiler Alert- I forget to return my credit cards to my wallet and end up leaving them in my copy machine, thus having no means to pay for ANYTHING over the next two weeks. I have to use L.’s credit card whenever we are off the ship. This is the ultimate clusterf—k.

-I log my receipts and try to reconstruct my last couple of days in my bullet journal. I also view my computer history to help with the reconstruction.

-I write care instructions for two INDOOR plants that I forgot to include in the Watering Schedule on an index card and leave it on the counter for T.

2:00-3:00-Nighttime routine. Bed. This is it!


Day 6-BA5 takes the lead


Day 4-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise