Day 9 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

Takeout from Umaichi Ramen. I had the Shiyo Ramen and it’s amazing…

5/20/22. Friday

8:00-8:30-Still trying to transition back to my life after returning from South Dakota. I’m up and I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She’s still asleep so I sit next to her and rub her tummy three times, then cue her to go outside. I survey my yard while I wait for her to go potty. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I go upstairs.

8:30-9:45-I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes, while listening to The Daily. Then, lotion and I dress in “Athletic Housewife” attire.

9:45-10:00-I leave for my therapy appointment and listen to Be Wealthy and Smart.

10:00-10:30-Therapy and we talk about how far I want to push back on College No. 1 regarding the fact that the only instructors allowed to teach fully online classes are 80-year-old Dr. R and “San Francisco.” As usual, for me it’s the principal and a common refrain of mine is, “It’s not fair” followed by, “I won’t let them get away with this.” My therapist tells me to pick my battles because it is likely nothing will change so why expend the energy? But I cannot and will not let it go.

It is unclear why, and therefore unacceptable, that Dr. R has had, historically, the bulk of the online classes when he a) has not completed the mandatory training that Adjuncts must have to teach an “Asynchronous” course; and b) is not scheduled to teach a F2F class in accordance with the edict our President just passed [it’s called “1 to 1” - if you teach one online class, you must teach one F2F class, i.e., you’re coming back to the classroom, Dr. R.]

When the schedule originally showed Dr. R as having one online class and NO F2F, I pushed back vigorously and questioned my Dean and the Asst. Chair regarding the fact that Dr. R.’s schedule did NOT reflect the President’s new policy. Where is his F2F class? Dr. R has to return to the classroom, assholes, and I’m going to see that it happens. My Chair came up with the bulls—t excuse that if an Adjunct teaches only ONE online class, then that Adjunct does NOT have to teach a F2F class. It’s only when the Adjunct teaches TWO online classes that they must teach a F2F class. This is not the policy at all - they made it up.

But, okay mother-f—kers, I’m ready for my ONE online class, then. Seriously…I’m down for that. If my class load is reduced to just ONE class and it’s online? AND I’m not forced to teach a F2F class? Sign me up. If Dr. R gets an online class and isn’t required to return to the classroom, then you better give me an online class, too. Can you say “gender discrimination?” I can and I’ll see you in Court.

10:30-11:00-Driving home from my therapy appointment. I listen to What a Day.

11:00-3:00-B. arrives for “patio coffee” with Starbucks and donuts and we talk politics. L. leaves at 12:00 for “date day” with T. Although It’s cloudy and cold, they are going to the beach in Carpinteria, followed by the movie, Men, then to dinner at Pacific by NoRu.

3:00-3:30-After patio coffee, B. reinstalls the canister light that the painters removed when they repaired my kitchen ceiling and I give him the hiking staff that I ordered (they came in a pair and I kept one for myself) and some extra Swiffer wipes.

3:30-5:00-B and I decide to order lunch from Umachi Ramen, but they don’t open until 5:00 so we watch an episode of Bosch. I give B. some of my high-end Sugarfina candy that L. ordered for my birthday: chocolate covered peanut-butter cookie dough balls.

5:00-6:00-I call in an order for shrimp-fried rice for B. and then I order the Shiyo Ramen. B. also gets the Pork Tonkotsu Ramen.

-We leave to pick up B’s car from the dealership. He had four new tires replaced for a cost of $1800!! They also had to replace the radiator which is under warranty. The tires look great, but B. discovers the next day that the wrong tires were installed. He specifically requested Michelin but they replaced his tires with a generic brand instead. Also, the mechanics drained the radiator, but never added coolant.

6:00-6:30-B. and I report to Umaichi Ramen and I’m shocked to see that they are running their place as if it is Mach 2020 and Covid-19 has just arrived. There are pexiglass partitions between every booth, staff are wearing N95s, and customers are only allowed to move three feet past the door of the restaurant, where our food is setting on a table surrounded by pexi-glass. I give an employee my credit card through a slit in the pexi glass and they ring up my order. Staff are also gloved. wow.

6:30-7:30-Return to my house and it’s Cocktail Hour. B. and I watch another episode of Bosch and eat our ramen which tastes phenomenal!! B. leaves.

7:30-9:30-I take out my contacts and lie down briefly.

9:30-11:00 - I have a birthday phone call with my parents and it’s a great conversation. L. is spending the night at T’s house.

11:00-12:00- B. and I dirtied so many dishes that the kitchen is a disaster. Kitchen duty and I sweep the floors and ready my coffee for tomorrow. I have some chips and listen to Citations Needed.

12:00-2:00-I spend this time reading How to be an Antiracist in preparation for Bookclub on Monday. I need to finish this book.

2:00-2:30-Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 10 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 8 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant