Day 1-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise

“New sheriff in town”…BA4 and BA5…

BA4 and BA5 are the latest variants increasing in proportion to BA2; they are also more transmissible. Be advised, however: contracting BA2 is no guarantee that you are now immune to BA4 and BA5. If you contracted Covid, then got it again a few weeks later, a recent study shows that your re-infection is probably from the newest variant that is floating around.

The CDC says that, since April, unvaccinated individuals 50 and older have a 42 times risk of dying from Covid 19 when compared to people who ARE vaccinated with a primary series of two or more boosters.

Get vaxxed. You’ll transmit it; you’ll contract it; you’ll feel ill; you might get Long Covid. BUT…you’ll live.

6/22/22. Wednesday

7:00-7:45- I’m up at 7:00 because “Nick” from A/C Clinic is supposed to be here between 8:00 and 11:00. I get dressed in Athletic Housewife attire and quickly go downstairs to take the dog out. While she goes potty, I sweep the area around the AC and move my trash cans out of the way. At 7:30, Nick calls and says he will be here at 8:45. Return inside and coffee for me, cheese for the dog.

8:45-9:00-”Nick” arrives, glances briefly at the unit, and says “your condenser needs to be replaced.” This is EIGHT days after he previously told me to spray my condenser with the garden hose. This m—-ther f—ker is too much! It is a certainty he knew the condenser needed to be replaced EIGHT DAYS AGO, during his original inspection! Why, then, did he tell me to merely spray it down? Why didn’t he say, EIGHT DAYS AGO, that my condenser needed to be replaced then?

But what about the leak and the disappearing Freon? This is never discussed. In fact, I have no way of knowing what A/C Clinic actually did to my unit last week because I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED AN INVOICE FROM THIS COMPANY!  Additionally, I have never received a business card.

The A/C repairman/owner/business of ONE, says he can not fix the condenser until he receives authorization from First American. He tells me that he will call First American and request said authorization. I know, in my heart of hearts, that this asshole isn’t going to do shit. Why didn’t he call First American and request authorization on 6/14/22, when he first saw the condenser? Nothing has changed - the condenser is the same as it was on 6/14/22. Due to his incompetence, I have lost EIGHT days. That’s EIGHT DAYS of coexisting in a 95 degree+ home with a child and a dog, both of whom are miserable.

9:00-1:00-Dejected, I report to my office and design a Home Maintenance and Watering Schedule for L.’s current boyfriend, T., to be used while L. and I are in Italy and Greece next week. The Watering Schedule is complicated and is color-coded with the stickers I purchased from Michaels yesterday (I place the stickers on the pots and reference the various colors in the chart). I have between 55 and 60 plants and it takes 1 hour to water all of them, but I don’t want T. to spend an hour of his time watering my plants every time he comes over because he will also be taking care of the dog. As a result, I’ve designed a staggered watering schedule for him. This took a significant amount of time, but I now have a cohesive watering schedule, for all of time, that I’ve placed it in my Home Maintenance binder.

2:00-5:00-I’m teaching the Specialty 1A class, for Fall Semester, at College No. 1, so I try to get the jump on it by updating my notes and the quizzes from the last time I taught the class.

5:00-8:15-I’m also teaching an accelerated, 6-week, online Core class, for SUMMER Semester, at College No. 2, and it goes live on 7/5/22. I take this time to design the Syllabus.

9:30-10:30-I do a 10–minute Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 30-min Insanity Max-Cardio workout.

10:30-3:15-Blog posts.

3:15-4:00 - Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 2-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise


Day 38-BA2.12.1 is the current variant