Day 38-BA2.12.1 is the current variant

L. and I watch more Worst Roommate Ever episodes…

6/21/22. Tuesday

6:00-6:15-I’m up, but I lay in bed for 15 minutes of transition time.

6:15-7:30-I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She’s completely asleep, but when I warm up my coffee in the microwave, she perks up and walks over to me for kisses and cuddles. I cue her to go outside, then stand around while she does her business. Return inside and cheese for her, coffee for me. I go upstairs.

Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes while listening to Best of Both Worlds. Lotion. I put on Athletic Housewife attire and leave.

7:30-8:00-I drive to Pine Street, in Newhall; and

8:00-9:30-meet up with my hiking group. During summer session, we start at 8:00 am because it’s cooler in the morning. The hike is good and I like the scenery…I hike by myself on this trail.

9:30-10:30-I walk to my car and drive to Home Depot.

10:30-11:15-I purchase a spool of chain so I can cut and add more pieces to the chain curtain in the Studio. I also purchase Simple Green.

11:15-11:30-Home and I have some of the tukey meatballs I made previously for lunch.

12:00-3:00-I sew 6 buttons on a skirt, then watch a couple episodes of Lupin. It’s very hot. The house is miserable.

3:00-9:00- ***I have no idea what I did during this block of time. Probably another heat stroke…

9:00-10:00-Blog posts.

10:00-12:00-L. and I watch a couple episodes of Worst Roommate Ever. I like it.

12:00-3:00-Blog posts. I can’t sleep - it’s too hot.

3:00-4:00 - Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 1-BA4 and BA5 are on the rise


Day 37-BA2.12.1 is the current variant