Day 15 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California

See this? It doesn’t exist…

12/29/21. Wednesday 

So the CDC does the Delta Douche Bag [CEO] one better…not only does Rochelle decrease the 10-day quarantine to 5 days, but she also says a negative Covid test is NOT required to return to work!!! Why, you ask?  BECAUSE it’s almost impossible to get a test in the United States so the CDC did away with that requirement. You call yourself a public health agency?!  You’re in bed with the Airlines!! Today, John Hopkins reports that the US is seeing 265,427 cases and 1500 deaths a day!  It’s the perfect time to reduce the 10-day quarantine period [sarcasm here]. 

People are frantically trying to get tested before their New Years Eve parties. They report waiting in lines for up to three hours before they can get swabbed and contracting Omicron in the process, due to the close contacts in line since nobody social distances anymore. If, somehow, you are actually able to get a test after a 2-hour drive and a 3-hour wait, good luck on getting accurate results anytime soon.  Americans are reporting results a week out…and many of the reports are bogus…so much so, that “public health officials” are advising the following: “If you receive a positive test, it’s probably accurate and best to assume you ARE infected. BUT, if you receive a negative test, there’s no guarantee you are NOT infected.” Wait, what!?  So we’re all infected either way? 

It’s official…the CDC is a laughing stock.  All you have to do is check TikTok…this agency is a joke. 

Don’t forget, though, that a Covid test will ALWAYS read negative if you haven’t been infected for at least TWO days before you administer said test; HOWEVER, since some people are asymptomatic, they might contract Omicron on day ONE, have no symptoms, have a test administered on day TWO, receive a negative result, and then go on to infect everyone at the party, like the Denmark case study that I wrote about last week. The only way to conclusively know that you have Omicron is to get an antibody test but the antibody test is NOT a test used to diagnose active infections. If you think you’ve had Covid, wait at least 14 days for the antibodies to build up in your blood, then get a blood draw.  You’ll receive your results 3 days after the 14-day period…if you’re not already dead from Covid. 

Oh, you say you’d rather purchase an “at-home” test?  There aren’t any. Go to any CVS or Walgreens and you’ll see the signs posted in the windows: “No Covid tests here” OR “Covid tests sold out.”  But, did CVS or Walgreens ever carry the tests? I’ve never seen a single test anywhere…I don’t even know what they look like.  

Not to worry, though.  The White House is riding to the rescue.  Originally, the White House said health insurance companies would reimburse patients for Covid tests IF they complete the requisite paperwork, mail it to their insurance companies, and wait 6 weeks for the check to arrive in the mail. After Jen Psaki’s pissing contest with reporter Mara Liasson on 12/6/21 [Mara asked press secretary Psaki why it was so difficult for Americans to acquire at-home tests when compared to other countries and Psaki replied, sarcastically, “Should we just send one to every American?” Mara then said, “Maybe…?” and Psaki’s stupid comment went viral], the Biden Administration reversed itself [12/21/21]. Starting in January, the Biden Administration said Americans will be able to order free rapid tests online.  It is now 12/29/21…I have no idea where/how to order these tests…  

12/29/21. Wednesday 

There’s a torrential downpour today… 

9:30-10:00 – I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal and note that she pooped in front of the door. I have to force her outside to go potty – it’s raining hard and she doesn’t want to go outside, plus my backyard is completely flooded and I have two plant fatalities. She runs to the red rock and pees while I stand under my patio canopy. Run inside: coffee for me; turkey for her. I go upstairs.

10:00-11:00 – I read My Body is a Big Fat Temple

11:00-1:30 – Blog posts.

1:30-2:30 – I make a lunch of leftover turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, yams, and cranberry sauce.

3:00-5:00 – Blog posts

5:30-6:30-I do a 15-minute Insanity Max-Ab workout and a 20-minute Insanity Max – Pulse workout.

6:30-7:00 – I have a piece of mango cake and listen to The Waves.

7:30-10:00 – I upload blog posts and listen/watch several Organized Money videos. I finally schedule my Moderna booster for tomorrow.  Unfortunately, none of my local pharmacies are administering Moderna, which is supposed to be the most compatible with J&J.  The closest pharmacy is the CVS in Ventura, so I book it for 2:00

10:00-1:00 – I clean my bathroom, scrub my shower, wipe down my counters and sink, clean my mirrors, then clean my shower grout with a toothbrush, while listening to True Crime Garage.

1:00-3:00 – I take a nap; then

3:00-3:30 – decide to go to bed. Nighttime routine. Bed.



Day 14 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California


Day 13 - Governor Newsom reinstates the mask mandate in California