Day 16 of LAUSD mandate

I made this dish today…

I made this dish today…

9/25/21. Saturday

6:00 a.m. – L. leaves for Disneyland.

7:30-8:00 – my alarm goes off, but I’m so out of it, I get up, turn it off, and go back to bed.

8:00-8:30 – I wake up in a panic and quickly get dressed. Downstairs, and I say good morning to the dog and rub her tummy three times. I grab my coffee and my book and sit outside while I wait for the contractor to arrive.  I read Work Won’t Love You Back.

8:30 – 9:00 - This contractor is here to give me a bid on the metal framing that needs to be built for the light panels that I want to hang on the garage wall in order to simulate windows. Unfortunately, he is “Frank’s” employee and will not be doing the job today. He takes pictures, then tells me Frank will be in touch with a price.

I’m running on 2 hours sleep just so a contractor can take pictures of the panels??  I could have done that. What was the point of sending a subordinate to my house?

9:00-10:00 – Return outside to my patio and continue reading Work Won’t Love You Back.

10:00-11:30 – I make a chicken, mushroom, snow pea, broccoli stir fry, complete with soy sauce and rice. I listen to the Trials of Frank Carson while I make the stir fry, then freeze an extra portion, and clean the kitchen.

11:30-12:00 – I clean out the refrigerator and meal-prep celery for ready-made available snacks next week.

12:00-1:00 – I plate a huge helping of the stir fry, take it upstairs, and eat while reading Work Won’t Love You Back.

1:00-3:30 – I watch two episodes of Nine Perfect Strangers, but I have an earbud in one ear so I can listen to the new podcast I selected yesterday for Module No. 8, in my Core Class, so I can design the questions for the podcast quiz.

3:30-4:30 – I watch the last episode of Nine Perfect Strangers and am ready to discuss the episode with B. since he recently finished watching the same show.

5:00-8:30 – I listen to my previous AUDIO lecture for Chapter 8 in my Core Class. When I compare my lecture to the script, I note that they don’t match – I provide quite a bit of additional information in the AUDIO lecture that is not in the script.  I make the executive decision to transcribe the last 30 minutes of my own AUDIO lecture.

Spoiler Alert: I don’t know if I would have made that decision if I knew how long this task would take. Transcribing my own lecture involves numerous pausing and rewinding in order to write it down in it’s entirety.

8:30-9:00 – I take the dog for a walk.

9:00-11:00 – I vacuum downstairs, clean and organize the last few items remaining in the garage, and start a load of laundry.

11:00-12:00 – I check emails at College No. 1 and College No. 2 and respond.

12:00-1:00 – I review the Home Pages for next week’s Modules for my Core Class and Specialty Class 1A.

L. returns from Disneyland and we discuss. She had a great time!

1:00-2:00 – Bullet journal for my activities over the past few days.

2:00-3:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed. I set my alarm for 8:30 a.m., unfortunately.


Day 17 of LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 15 of LAUSD vaccine mandate