Day 17 of LAUSD vaccine mandate

The “Canvas Railings”…holding some of L.’s masterpieces…

9/26/21. Sunday

8:30 – 9:00 – My alarm goes off so I get up and go downstairs to say good morning to the dog.  I sit beside her on the couch and rub her tummy until she’s ready to go outside.  Then, she jumps down, grabs her toy, and out we go. I water a few of my potted plants while she goes potty and we return inside: pieces of chicken for her; coffee for me.

9:00-10:00 – I jump in the shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform. Light make-up.

10:00-11:30 – B. and Gustavo [the contractor who repaired my patio trellises] arrive and B. brings coffee for me. The three of us go to Home Depot to pick up aluminum tracks – picture the tracks that sliding shower doors rest in – because I think they will do double duty as a chair rail for one wall of the garage/art studio, hopefully with enough space to get L.’s canvases off the floor and onto the rail itself, leaning against the wall.

The aluminum tracks are extremely long and won’t fit in B.’s SUV, so Gus follows us to Home Depot in his truck so he can transport them to my house for installation. Everyone is masking at Home Depot except Gus  - it’s unclear why he’s not. Gus says we need additional hardware and adds the appropriate screws to my cart. The total cost for supplies is quite low, with the aluminum tracks coming in at $8.00 each [I buy two].  Transaction finished, we go back to my house but Gus says he can’t install them without a power drill, so B. returns to his house to get it.

While B. is gone, Gus and I place the chair rails, but I note that the ledge of the rail will be too narrow to support L.’s canvases. However, B. later has the excellent idea of installing them into the wall the same way they would be installed in the floor for shower doors and now the canvases fit perfectly.  I’m sure this sounds incredibly confusing, but I posted a picture in the “show notes”, i.e., at the top of the blog to help you understand.

11:30-1:00 - B. returns with his drill and he and Gus work on installing the canvas/chair rail.

I submit a Home Depot order for two chrome storage racks on wheels, my 6-week order, and an order to Walmart for the following items: pillow; pillowcase; stair runner; sesame seed oil; and honey.

B. and Gus finish the project and it. looks. amazing. I’m so pleased with how it turned out! There’s an industrial aesthetic, yet the rail is utilitarian because it holds the canvases, among other things.

1:00-2:30 – I have a BOGO coupon for Spumonis Restaurant so B. and I go there for lunch. I get the Pollo Parmigana and B. gets…something??? My lunch is very good.

3:00 – 6:00 - Return home and B. and I talk politics. B. leaves.

6:00-6:45 – I take the dog for a walk.

L. returns from work, but leaves shortly thereafter to go to Solitas with her co-worker, C.

7:00-10:00 – I ‘m still not finished transcribing the Chapter 8 – Part II lecture so I knock it out. Next, I need to record the new-and-improved Part II, so I select audio clips for the various slides and prepare for recording.  When I’m finished, I also record a PSA.

10:00-11:00 – L. returns home and does the splice-and-dice for the Chapter 8 lecture, cutting it into two parts, and we airdrop both the lecture and the PSA into the Canvas shell. L. also inputs the new data I complied concerning the 2020 election, making changes to four slides.  This was a bigger task than usual and took the entire hour… I pay L. $30.

11:00-12:00 – I try to order my transcripts from UC Riverside but am unable to use the ordering app on their website. I’ll have to call. I do light kitchen duty and pack my lunch bag for tomorrow.

12:00-1:30 – I read a Money Diary then do a 1-hour Insanity Pylometric workout.

1:30-2:30 – I color my hair.  While the color sits, I do a bullet journal for today’s activities.

2:30-3:30 – I take a shower and wash the color out of my hair. Lotion and get ready for bed.

3:30-4:00 – I pack a few items in my overnight bag in preparation for tomorrow.

4:00-4:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.    


Day 18 of the LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 16 of LAUSD mandate