Day 17 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant

L. and I watch Duty Free tonight…

5/28/22. Saturday

6:30-L. leaves for her 6:30 shift at The Club.

8:30-9:00-I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the dog. We go outside together and I wait for her to go potty, then return inside. Coffee for me; cheese for her. Kitchen duty and I replace the batteries in my thermostat. Then, I move the terra cotta pot that I spray painted yesterday to one of my flower beds. I feel much better today.

9:00-11:00-Bullet journal. I listen to More Happier, Citations Needed, and Fresh Air.

11:00-12:00-I finish my leftovers from the Popping Yolk and listen to the NY Times Book Review.

-I download a new podcast called Crying in my Car. It’s…okay.

12:00-1:00-Shower. I sit in the shower, drink my coffee, and ice my eyes. Lotion. I listen to Martinis and your Money; then

I try on the Warby Parker glasses that I ordered and make a selection.

1:00-2:00-I put on make-up and Athletic Housewife attire, before putting my laundry away.

2:00-2:30 - I watch a Mina Rome, You Tube Vegan Cooking video.

2:30-3:00-L. surfaces from her job at The Club and we both have some of her pasta salad, while she tells me about her day. She worked a double-shift because an employee needed coverage. Several people arrived, looking for memberships, and once again Tuc, the Director of Membership, isn’t there. The Membership Dept. is a complete mess.

3:00-3:45 - L. and I walk the dog along the paseo.

3:45-5:00-L. leaves for Fast Frame to discuss framing the art pieces that she will be exhibiting on Saturday and also to stop by Lady Di’s to pick up some treats for us. I start working on blog posts and have apple slices and peanut butter for a snack. More Mina Rome and Organized Money videos.

5:00-5:30-L. returns with a walnut brownie for me and a sliced Carmel apple for her. I have a few bites of the brownie.

L. calls her Dad and he helps her install the new fire stick he purchased for my TV.

I continue with blog posts. L. says she wants to watch The Way Down at 7:00 with me after she takes a nap.

5:30-7:00-More blog posts.

7:30-10:00-L. Is awake. She air fries some Chick-Fil-A fries and eats them with dipping sauce. We watch the last two episodes of The Way Down. I try on my Warbie Parker glasses for L. so she can help me make the final selection.

10:30-12:00-I suggest we watch an indie documentary called Duty Free. An elderly Housekeeping Manager who worked for the same hotel for 40 years - she and her boys were also allowed to live in a free hotel room as part of her employment package - is abruptly fired, given 2 weeks pay, and told to move out within the year. The sad thing is she lived for and gave everything to this stupid job, prioritizing it over life with her sons. She never called in sick or was late in FORTY YEARS.

Upon her termination, at age 65, she has nothing and her 32-year-old son is stuck with the burden of figuring out what to do. The other son is a schizophrenic. It’s horrible. This is what happens when you devote your entire life to…a job. After she’s fired, the Housekeeping Manager ruminates, on camera, about the life she missed with her sons simply so she could devote the majority of her time and energy to being the Housekeeping Manager. What a mistake…but didn’t you realize you were sacrificing your time with your boys when it was happening? Why are you just now figuring this out?

12:00-1:00-I’m too tired to do anything. I take the dog out and lock up. I. Am. Starving. I have some of L.’s pasta salad and a few tortilla chips. Nighttime routine. Bed.


Day 18 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 16 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant