Day 18 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Omicron outbreaks are running rampant throughout LA County Unified School District and now the segment of the population most affected are teenagers, although 1492 school employees also contracted the virus this week. Test positivity doubled. Out of 6362 cases among students, roughly 11% occurred at prom - teacher chaperones at prom were also hit by the virus. Yes, it’s true…boyfriends [and girlfriends] across LA County’s school districts are pinning Covid corsages on the dresses of that special someone. Prom King and Queen isn’t the only competition happening at this time of year…add the award for “the most Omicron cases in May” to your school’s trophy case.

An excerpt from a press release issued by the LA Dept. of Public Health reads as follows:

“…there were 12 reported classroom outbreaks (seven in elementary schools, one in a middle school, and four in high schools), Throughout the past month, there have been 15 outbreaks associated with end-of-year field trips, school performances, and special events, such as prom, with over 750 cases among students and staff.

The highest case rate in the county is among teens ages 12-17, with 762 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 teens; this rate is more than double the rate one month ago when there were 363 cases per 100,000 teens…”

5-29-22. Sunday

6:30-L. Leaves for her 6:45 shift at The Club.

6:45-7:00-I can’t get up…

7:00-8:00-I finally go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. She went back to sleep after L. left so I sit next to her and rub her tummy. I cue her to go potty and we head outside. I stand around and wait until she’s finished, then return inside. Kitchen duty and I make and drink my coffee while unloading the dishwasher. I have a few bites of brownie, then do the dishes. I fill the dog food and water dispensers and pick up the dog poop outside. Then, I clean out my remaining floral arrangement. I put the dog blanket in the washing machine. Sweep the floors. I listen to What Next and Film Week

8:00-8:30- I put on Athletic Housewife attire, wash my face, brush my teeth.

8:30-9:30-I take the dog for a walk through the paseo and neighborhood. More Film Week. When we return, I hose down my gardening tools and the basket where I store them, then set them out to dry.

9:30-10:00 - I heat up my leftover fish and beans and add the salad from my Popping Yolks leftovers that I still have.

10:00-10:45-I eat my breakfast and watch the next Insanity - Asylum workout to mentally prepare. It’s a 45-minute workout

-bullet journal as I watch the remainder of the Insanity - Asylum workout.

10:45-11:00-I change into workout clothes and eat a few grapes.

11:00-12:00-I do a 45 min, ‘Back to Core’ - Insanity Asylum workout.

12:00-12:30-Although the workout involves some cardio, I don’t think it’s enough so I do a 15-min HIIT Insanity Max cardio workout.

L. surfaces from her shift at The Club. T. arrives a short time later and the two leave for the Norton Simon Museum.

12:30-12:45-I’m exhausted. More bullet journaling…………

12:45-1:00-I change back into Athletic Housewife attire

1:00-2:00-I have a bowl of L.s pasta salad, followed by a bowl of L.s Rocky Road ice cream with some brownie bites while watching Bosch on my new fire stick.

2:00-3:30-I take a nap.

3:30-4:30-I watch more Bosch-Legacy.

5:00-7:00-I make a cup of coffee then go through two Canvas shells and move all the Home Pages I created for each Module to my desktop (27 “Home Pages”). I also make sure that all of my Chapter Review quizzes and Video Quizzes are stored on my desk top. If I leave everything in Canvas I run the risk of either College No. 1 or College No. 2 arbitrarily deleting the entire shell and all my content, which is what College No. 2 actually did once before…

I start organizing my desktop file for Specialty Class 1A although I don’t know if this class is going to run at College No. 1 and I do a compare-and contrast to see what needs to be moved over from the Canvas shell. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be teaching and I want to preserve my course content if possible.

7:00-8:00-I create a Home Page for this week’s content for my online class then I update the content to reflect the correct due dates.

8:00-8:45-I re-register through the city for my Hiking group and Striders group, then log this into my IPad.

8:45-9:15-I was finally able to log my Flex events at College No. 2 via a very UN-user-friendly database.

9:15-9:45-I research the Pasadena Conservancy Gardens regarding buying a ticket for their home garden tour. The website is difficult to navigate but I finally manage to buy a ticket for June 5th.

9:45-10:10-I research Ventura Botanical Gardens and discover it’s free entry for Memorial Day so I decide to go tomorrow.

L and T. surface and pick up her tennis shoes for…something??

10:10-11:00-I pot a few remaining succulents and listen to Dateline.

11:00-12:00-Kitchen duty and I pack a lunch bag and pull out a frozen meal that I made last month for my lunch. I’m not proud of it but I eat potato chip crumbs and hummus, tortilla chips and cheese, and some of Ls cheezits. I was absolutely starving and my good-food work today is ruined. More Dateline. I shut everything down.

12:00-12:30-I start grading the Extra Credit papers, but;

12:30-1:45-accidentally fell asleep

1:45-2:30-Nighttime routine. More Dateline

2:30-4:15-I finish grading the Extra Credit assignments and listen to Dateline and Southern Fried Crime

4:15-4:30-bullet journal.

4:30-5:00 - Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 19 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant


Day 17 - BA2.12.1 is the current variant