Day 18 of the LAUSD vaccine mandate

B. and I watched the ‘Kate’ movie today…

9/27/21. Monday

6:00 – L. leaves for Otis.

9:30-10:00 - I’m up so I go downstairs to say good morning to the animal. I think L. already took her out when she left for Otis. Regardless, the dog went back to sleep so I sit next to her and rub her tummy until she finally rolls off the couch and goes outside. I water a few of my plants while she goes potty – then, return inside: coffee for me, chicken for her. I go upstairs.

10:00-11:30 – Spa Day. Shower. Lotion. Covid-19 uniform for now. Make-up.

11:30-12:00 – I finish packing my overnight bag. Then, I pack my Spumoni leftovers and apple slices in my lunch bag, and load my Netbook and Beets speaker in my school bag. There are so many bags!  I load everything in the car, along with my bolster and regular pillow.

12:00-1:00 – The students emailed me their Socratic Seminar assignments so I take this time to print them out and reply with a personal email confirming receipt.

1:00-2:15 - I change into a dress and heels, then leave for College No. 1. I listen to Citations Needed on the drive.

2:15-5:35 - The students will be completing the participation component of the Socratic Seminar assignment the first hour of class on the Discussion Board. After that, we’ll have Chapter 6 Lecture – Part I and watch the first half of the assigned documentary. It’s a light day for me.

-I take Attendance and email those students who failed to sign in on the Discussion Board, notifying them that not only are they absent, but they also failed to turn in a 40-point assignment, worth ¼ of their grade.

-Lecture – Part I and now it’s time for the first half of the documentary.

-While the documentary is running, I tabulate the Discussion Board responses using tick marks to ensure  that each student wrote: 1) a summary; AND 2) responded to two students (Total = 20 points).

-Class dismissed.

5:30-6:30 - I post the scores for the participation component of the Socratic Seminar and respond to several emails from students. I leave.

6:30-7:30 – Driving to B.’s house.  I listen to The Trials of Frank Carson.

7:30-9:00 – Arrive at B.’s house.  I unload the car and bring everything inside.

Cocktail hour!! B. and I talk politics.

9:00-10:00 – Dinner is fish tacos from the California Fish Grill and they are good!

10:00-11:30 – Retire to the living room and watch Kate. What a violent movie!!  The main character is a female assassin and all of her victims are Japanese so the movie smacks of racism. That doesn’t take away from Kate’s character - a master assassin who probably kills over a 100 people in this movie. One of my favorite scenes involves a killer who grabs Kate’s hair in a closed fist, pulling her head back at an uncomfortable angle. Kate pivots and chops off the guy’s entire hand, still holding her hair – she has short hair the rest of the film. I love it!

12:00-1:00 – Nighttime routine. Bed. B. and I are sleeping in the tent tonight!


Day 19 of the LAUSD vaccine mandate


Day 17 of LAUSD vaccine mandate