Day 36-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

Back in the classroom tonight…only 12 students bothered to show…

There’s a strange Covid death stat floating around and it started with Rochelle and the CDC on or about 8/25/22. Here’s a quote from Rochelle: “And we do know that we continue to see 300, 350 to 400 new deaths every single day…”

Really? 400 deaths a day?! From Covid?!

Who are these so-called victims?

9/8/22. Thursday

7:00-7:15-I’ve been back from Desert Springs for a couple of days now. This morning, the dog starts licking my hands so I get up and we go downstairs. I take her outside, then I grab a bag of plastic ice cubes and my coffee before returning upstairs and going back to bed.

9:30-10:45-I’m up and I read War Torn.

10:45-12:00-Shower. Lotion. I put on Athletic Housewife attire.

12:00-2:00-L. told me that she added a new “private” to her business. Before the new student arrives today, I want to clean up the studio and make it presentable for L.’s new client. I start by moving L'‘s. black and white telephone pole photograph series to the soffit above her easel. This is a better location, allowing for more people to view her work. During the course of the move, one of the pictures falls and shatters and I have to take the time to clean up the mess - this means I will have to buy a new frame for the photo. Moving L.’s photography installation takes longer than I thought it would. When I’m finished, I blow the leaves out of the Studio, light a scented candle so it smells nice for the new client, and clean the downstairs bathroom.

Kitchen duty and I ready my food for tomorrow and place it in the fridge.

2:00-3:00-I have a piece of L.’s leftover pizza and read War Torn.

3:00-4:30-I take a nap.

-L. returns from The Club only to leave 15 minutes later for her private lesson. I learn that her newest “private” is NOT coming to the house after all, which means all the work I did in tidying up the Studio was for naught. L is now en route to the homes of two art students for their art lessons today and the third private canceled. Nobody is coming to the Studio tonight. great.

4:30-5:15-I freshen up, load all of my bags in the car, and I’m out the door by 5:15, en route to College No. 1, for my 7:00 pm F2F class. Traffic is horrible and there are two accidents. L.’s lentil soup is on its last legs, but I still eat some of it, while listening to the Political Gabfest.

5:15-6:30- I had to arrive early this evening because the “brass” mandates that we personally sign our contract, no virtual signature, and my contract is in the mailroom. What is so irritating is that I don’t get paid to come to work this early….

7:00-10:00-Class is in session and tonight is my longest Module of the 16-week semester. It’s a 3-hour straight lecture, but they pay attention.

Class dismissed.

10:15-11:15-Driving and I listen to Deep Questions and eat my pre-made salad on the way home.

11:15-1:00-Home and I bring in all of my bags, then prepare my insulated lunch bag for tomorrow. I have to go to bed as fast as possible because I have a F2F high school class tomorrow morning that meets at 8:30 am.

-Nighttime routine. Bed. In a way, it’s somewhat liberating being forced to go to bed at this hour. If left to my own devices, I routinely sabotage my sleep, as anyone who reads this blog knows.


Day 37-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 33-Monkey pox is the new pandemic