Day 37-Monkey pox is the new pandemic

I taught at the Catholic High School today…yet another horrible experience…

I’ve had nothing but problems with that crazy OSD bitch at College No. 1. Although you can’t tell from my earlier blog posts, I actually responded kindly and with (fake) compassion to her every email. However, this week the gloves come off and I do my best to take this bitch down. Spoiler Alert: I eventually “win”…but it’s a long haul. For the next two months, the majority of my time and energy will be devoted to this problem.

I’m going to call August 17 to September 6, Part I. Anything AFTER 9/6/23 is Part II. Part I corresponds, in general, to this asshole’s overall dislike of my class. Here’s an abbreviated list of her complaints (I didn’t list all of them for the sake of brevity):

  1. Any Instructor worth their salt is using Google slides; they’re the most professional medium for delivering course content. This bitch hates my Google slides and wants to return to Power Point, an outdated medium. Her request is similar to some dumb ass saying they prefer Blackberry over an Iphone…

  2. She hates my Google slide “color combinations.” Recall that I paid L. (a graphic artist) to design my slides and L. did an amazing job. There is nothing wrong with the color combinations.

  3. This bitch said she was unable to access my provided links to the podcasts I assigned. When I pointed out that the links do, in fact, work and every student but her has opened the podcast links, she later emailed me and confirmed that the links were now working.

  4. This crazy bitch does NOT like playing my Audio Lectures on the Canvas platform; she prefers an antiquated platform called “One Drive” that nobody has used for approximately 10 years.

  5. She requested transcription AND closed captioning for every. single. assigned documentary. I provided both options…but why should I, an Instructor, be on the hook for BOTH transcription AND closed captioning? F—k her.

  6. This bitch complained of a buzzing noise during ONE of my Audio lectures. Uh…this was a 60-second technical anomaly and never heard again, yet she emailed her complaint to me and cc’d the OSD office, including Dr. LL, the OSD (spineless) Dean.

  7. This bitch sent an email to all parties (see above) that one of my Google slides was missing from the Chapter 2 Audio lecture. The slide in question was actually there and I, too, emailed all parties and confirmed that it was NOT missing.

  8. She notified me, via email, that one of three bullet points on a Google slide was mis-numbered. Yes…it was numbered Slide Four when it should have been Slide Three. Suck it, bitch.

9/9/22. Friday

5:15-5:30-My alarm goes off and I’m up. The alarm woke up the dog and she wants to go outside ASAP. I really need some transition time before I get out of bed, but I give up and take the dog outside. Return inside and pieces of steak for her (from the container that B. dropped in the street last week).

5:30-5:45-I slept horribly last night. I grab my coffee and a bag of plastic ice cubes then return upstairs and lie down.

5:45-6:30-Shower. I sit in the shower, ice my eyes, and drink my coffee. Lotion. I wear a knee length turquoise and black dress that badly needs a belt for definition. Unfortunately, I don’t have a belt for this outfit. I wear my black/gray, floral print, ballet flats.

6:30-7:30-I load all of my bags in the car and I’m out the door by 6:30. Traffic is…okay. I listen to Best Laid Plans, eat overnight oats for breakfast, and put my makeup on in the car.

7:30-8:15-I’m at the school by 7:30 and I sit in my car and decompress. I’m not feeling well because it’s. still. so. hot. I continue listening to Best Laid Plans.

8:15-8:30-At 8:15, I exit my vehicle and slowly make my way across campus to my classroom, walking past several religious statues in the process (whatever happened to separation of church and state? I work for a public community college). Due to the extreme heat, this school is on yet another modified schedule. My class ends at 9:30 instead of 10:15 today. I’m already sweating.

8:30-9:30-In class, and the students are absolutely horrible and unruly because…surprise (not) I’m teaching a high school class with 27 shitty seniors. They’re loud and they won’t shut the fuck up. I will say it again: THERE IS NO AIR CONDITIONING!!! On this day, the students finally have access to Canvas so I spend most of the one hour I’m allotted today to showing the students how to navigate the Modules. Spoiler Alert: They don’t give a shit.

9:30-9:45-Class dismissed and I walk to my car drenched in sweat. I meet another College No 2 teacher named Kirsten who teaches History. She sings the praises of my dean, whom I already like, and reveals that College No 2 pays more that other colleges which I’ve already suspected, but was confused about. How can that be? I thought all California community colleges have the same pay schedule…Spoiler Alert: I never see Kirsten again.

10:15-11:30-I sit in my car for awhile (air conditioning running), check my phone, then leave. Traffic. is. absolutely. horrible. I listen to Best Laid Plans.

11:30-11:15-I get gas. It’s at $5.09 a gallon.

11:15-12:00-Home and I bring in all of my bags and clean the kitchen.

12:00-1:00-I check email at College No. 1 and respond to a few students. I also email the Norton Help Desk and file a work ticket on behalf of one of my students who is lying about not having access to the Inquizitives.

1:00-1:30- I drive to my therapy appt.

1:30-2:30-Therapy session.

2:30-2:50-I drive home; and

2:50-3:10-check email at College No. 1.

3:10-4:15-I log onto the Canvas shell for my Catholic high school and update all of the Modules because we’ve already fallen behind due to the fact that the school keeps modifying the class schedule from 90 minutes to 1 hour on account of the extreme heat.

-I take a moment to review my Desert Springs invoice and note that staff did NOT give me the reduced Triple AAA rate. I need to rectify this…

4:15-5:00-I log onto my online “Einstein” high school class and update next week’s Module for the TEN students that are enrolled in this class.

5:00-5:10 - I check headlines.

5:10-The second Wayfair table that I ordered in October 2021 did not arrive in time for Xmas. ONE of the tables arrived, the other one was lost in transit, even though I ordered both of them at the same time. As a result, I wasn’t able to hold Xmas dinner in the Studio and my family and I were crammed into my tiny dining room for the holidays. The NEW shipping date for Table #2 was re-scheduled to 9/16/23 and that date is rapidly approaching, thank God. I log onto my Wayfair account to check the status…so far, my table has not been prepped for shipping yet.

5:10-5:45-I check email at College No. 2 AND my personal email.

5:45-7:45-The forecast is for rain and my backyard patio is full of plant debris. I pick up the dog poop stat, because it will be a disgusting mess if leave in the rain. I sweep everything, moving quickly before it starts raining. I also water all of my plants because I don’t know how much rain we’re going to get. It starts raining just as I finish.

-8:00-8:45-I leave for Cold Stone, buy a mini German Chocolate, and eat it in my car in the parking lot, with the rain coming down. Then, I drive home.

-9:00-10:30-I eat more of my Cold Stone at home and read Burn Out. I freeze the rest of my ice cream for later.

10:30-12:00-I take a nap.

1:30-2:45-I put on workout clothes, then do a 10-minute Insanity -Ab workout, followed by a 30-minute Insanity-Sweat workout. I try something different and listen to a Cal Newport Deep Questions podcast while I’m working out. This doesn’t seem to help because I’m still dragging.

3:00-4:00 am-I log onto Canvas for College No #1 and update all of my Discussion Board prompts. Then I send email blasts to those students who scored a D or F on the Chapter review quizzes. I listen to The Letter.

4:00-4:30-I check headlines.

4:30-5:30-Nighttime routine. Bed


Day 38-Monkey pox is the new pandemic


Day 36-Monkey pox is the new pandemic