Day 8-All CA students must be vaccinated

B. and I have breakfast at Blondies today…

10/8/21. Friday.

5:00-6:00 – I wake up to a loud roaring. It’s a sound similar to the sound an airplane engine makes if you  happen to be seated near the wing. I wake up B. and asks if he hears it, too.  He does, but we can’t figure out where it’s coming from.  B. calls the front desk, but she doesn’t know what we’re talking about and says that nobody else has called about a strange sound.

I walk to the window and look down. It is then that I see the palm trees planted around the hotel pool being whipped about and bowed over, like matchsticks!! It’s the same for other trees around the strip…the noise I’m hearing is actually the wind!! I’m terrified that the hotel is going to collapse or be blown off its foundation and I cannot fall asleep. I get up, quickly take a shower, and get dressed in case we have to evacuate suddenly. I keep thinking about the Champlain Towers, in Florida, a condominium complex that suddenly collapsed four months ago. If this hotel is going to go, there would be no time to evacuate.

I finish packing and put my suitcase near the door.

6:00-8:30 – I’m exhausted so I lie down on the couch and doze off-and-on while I wait for class to start.  B. went back to sleep hours ago.

8:30-10:05 – Class is in session. I publish the Discussion Board and course content, which is lecture and a chapter review quiz.  One of the students emailed that they have a short day today. AGAIN. I reset the time frames on the chapter review quiz and change the due date to next Wednesday, then send an email blast to the students. It’s relatively quiet, today, so I check my regular email at College No. 2 and respond accordingly.

10:05 – 11:30 – Class dismissed.  B. and I return to Blondies at Miracle Mile, where the prices are much more manageable now that it’s breakfast. I have the breakfast quesadillas and B. has…something?  The quesadillas are excellent and I have leftovers I can take home. It’s the same drill – the staff are masked, while the patrons are not. We sit outside the restaurant.

12:00-5:00 – B. and I check out and are on the road by 12:00. Bye Vegas!  Back to our shitty lives.

5:00-6:00 – Home and B. comes in for a drink so I can give him the rest of his birthday presents: a reading bolster pillow and a set of stainless steel measuring spoons and cups. B. leaves.

6:00-7:00 – I take the dog for a walk and give her extra time since I know L. didn’t walk her while I was gone. The dog is extra glad to see me and I missed her, too. I remove the doggie gate and allow the dog to come upstairs with me.

7:00-8:00 – I make a small plate of cheese and crackers, then read Digital Minimalism.

8:30-9:30 – I do a 30-minute Insanity Max – Cardio workout.

L. leaves to check out Crumble, a new cookie place in Newhall.

9:30-10:15 – I go to Sprouts to pick up a bottle of champagne.

10:15-11:00 – Return home and I take this time to unpack everything and start a load of laundry. Downstairs and I straighten the kitchen and ready my coffee for tomorrow. When I return, I see that the dog peed on my duvet!!! Welcome home. I’m pissed.

11:30 –12:00 -  I pull the duvet cover off the comforter and see that it went through to the comforter, too. I put the dog downstairs and bar her from coming upstairs for all eternity.  I quickly hang my laundry, then put the comforter and duvet cover in the washing machine. What a mess!

12:00-1:00 – Shower. Wash hair.

1:00-1:30 – Nighttime routine. Bed.





Day 9-All CA students must be vaccinated


Day 7-All CA students must be vaccinated